Virtual Events with Networking

Virtual Events with Networking

Virtual Events with Networking: A Powerful Strategy for Email List Building

In today’s digital landscape, virtual events have emerged as an essential tool for businesses and organizations to connect with their audience.

Hosting virtual events like webinars, workshops, or networking sessions not only offers a platform to share knowledge and expertise but also provides an excellent opportunity to build your email list.

By requiring attendees to register with their email addresses to participate, you can grow your audience, engage with them directly, and foster a community around your brand.

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to leverage virtual events with networking for effective email list building.

Why Virtual Events?


Virtual events eliminate geographical barriers, allowing people from all over the world to attend. This broadens your reach and attracts a more diverse audience.


Hosting virtual events is often more affordable than in-person events, as they eliminate the need for physical venues, travel, and other logistical expenses.


Virtual events, especially those with networking opportunities, provide a platform for real-time interaction.

Attendees can engage with speakers, ask questions, and network with other participants.


Virtual events can be recorded and made available on-demand, offering flexibility for attendees who cannot participate live.

This also allows you to repurpose content for future use.

Types of Virtual Events

1. Webinars

Webinars are live or pre-recorded online seminars that focus on specific topics.

They are typically educational and can range from industry-specific training to product demonstrations.

2. Workshops

Virtual workshops are interactive sessions where participants can learn new skills, collaborate on projects, or engage in hands-on activities.

These events are often more immersive and require active participation.

3. Networking Sessions

Virtual networking sessions allow attendees to connect with one another in a structured environment.

These events can include breakout rooms, discussion panels, or speed networking sessions.

4. Conferences

Virtual conferences bring together multiple sessions, speakers, and networking opportunities over one or several days.

They replicate the experience of an in-person conference but in a virtual environment.

How to Host Virtual Events for Email List Building

1. Choose the Right Platform

Selecting the right platform is crucial for the success of your virtual event.

Consider platforms like Zoom, GoToWebinar, or Hopin that offer robust features for hosting, interaction, and networking.

2. Define Your Target Audience

Understand who you want to attract to your virtual event.

This will help you tailor the content, marketing, and networking opportunities to appeal to your target audience.

3. Create Valuable Content

The content of your virtual event should be highly relevant and valuable to your audience.

Whether it’s a webinar, workshop, or networking session, ensure the topics are engaging and provide actionable insights.

4. Require Registration

To access your virtual event, require attendees to register with their email addresses. This is the first step in building your email list.

The registration form should be simple and quick to complete, asking for essential details like name, email address, and potentially other relevant information like job title or industry.

5. Promote Your Event

Social Media

Leverage social media platforms to promote your virtual event.

Create event pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other relevant platforms, and share regular updates to build excitement.

Email Marketing

Use your existing email list to promote the event. Send out invitations, reminders, and teasers to encourage sign-ups.


Partner with industry influencers, organizations, or businesses to co-host or promote the event.

This can help you reach a broader audience and attract more attendees.

6. Integrate Networking Opportunities

Breakout Rooms

If your platform allows, create breakout rooms where smaller groups of attendees can discuss specific topics or network with each other.

Q&A Sessions

Include live Q&A sessions where attendees can ask questions directly to the speakers. This increases engagement and provides more value to the participants.

Virtual Lounges

Set up virtual lounges where attendees can meet and chat informally, replicating the experience of networking during in-person events.

7. Provide Exclusive Access or Content

Offer exclusive content or access to event materials, recordings, or additional resources for registered attendees.

This adds value to the registration process and encourages more people to sign up.

Post-Event Engagement

Follow-Up Emails

After the event, send follow-up emails to all attendees. This can include:

  • Thank You Messages: Express gratitude for their participation.
  • Event Recap: Provide a summary of the event highlights.
  • On-Demand Access: Offer access to recordings of the sessions.
  • Additional Resources: Share related content, guides, or offers.

Feedback and Surveys

Gather feedback from your attendees through surveys.

Understanding what they liked, disliked, and want to see in future events helps you improve and tailor future content.

Continued Networking

Encourage continued networking by inviting attendees to join a dedicated LinkedIn group, Slack channel, or forum related to the event’s topic.

This fosters community building and keeps your brand top-of-mind.

Promote Future Events

Use the email list you’ve built to promote future virtual events.

Offering exclusive early access or discounts to previous attendees can increase retention and engagement.

Measuring Success

Registration Numbers

Track the number of people who registered for the event versus those who attended.

This helps you understand the effectiveness of your promotion and the appeal of your event.

Engagement Metrics

Monitor engagement during the event, including participation in Q&A sessions, networking rooms, and chat activity.

High engagement is a sign of valuable content and a well-executed event.

Conversion Rates

Analyze how many attendees took further actions, such as subscribing to your newsletter, downloading additional resources, or making a purchase. This shows the direct impact of your event on your business goals.

Feedback Scores

Review the feedback and survey scores to gauge attendee satisfaction. Use this data to improve future events and enhance the attendee experience.

Virtual events with networking opportunities are a powerful way to build your email list while providing immense value to your audience.

By hosting well-planned webinars, workshops, and networking sessions, you can attract a wide audience, engage them with meaningful content, and foster connections that extend beyond the event itself.

The key to success lies in understanding your audience, creating high-quality content, promoting effectively, and maintaining engagement before, during, and after the event.

Start incorporating virtual events into your marketing strategy today, and watch your email list and community grow.