AdSense Income – 4 Things to Remember
Making money with Google AdSense can be condensed into four steps:
1. Find a good, workable niche
2. Choose the right keyword phrases
3. Build a simple site and promote it
4. Rein in your expectations
A simple site that is easy to read and navigate and consistent effort to promote the site and build backlinks is a straight path to AdSense income in future months…and years.
Finding a Niche
Niches are everywhere you look. From the food you buy to the pan you cook it in, you have niches.
From the pet med your veterinarian prescribes to building a shed in your back yard, there is a niche in everything.
Choosing a niche to use for your site or blog requires ideas for niches, simple keyword research to find niches that fill the public needs or wants, and finding the best terms to use when writing content for that niche site.
Choosing Keywords
Once you have a niche, identify 5 main keywords, 5 additional keyword phrases, and 10 long tail keyword phrases for the niche.
Find the main keywords by search counts using SEOBook and Google Keyword Tool (both free) and then drill down on each of the main keywords to locate more phrases and expand to long tail versions.
The only way to become skilled at choosing keywords is to do it again and again until you begin to recognize patterns of searches and potential of keyword phrases.
Build a Good Site or Blog
A good site doesn’t need fancy flashing banners or loud colors screaming “look at me”.
It needs good navigation from one page to another, the substance of 20 or more pages of original content about the niche and must load quickly in browsers of your visitors.
Everything on the site should be focused to meet the goal you have for that site.
If AdSense is your income model, learn to blend ads, test to see which ads are more profitable.
Don’t plaster your pages with multiple ad blocks but balance the ads with interesting text.
Curbing the Enthusiasm
Your site will not become a top ranked site in a day, a week or a month. When marketers tell you “it takes time to earn from AdSense” they don’t mean 3 days.
No matter how hard you push your new site, it will not be older than it is.
In fact, attempting to manipulate ranking of a new site can hurt that site’s chances in the search engines.
Goals for clicks per day or money per month are dreams.
A workable goal will define how many articles you will write per week, what type of web 2.0 promotions you will pursue and how many backlinks you plan to acquire daily or weekly.
If you follow your plan of adding content and promoting your site on a weekly basis, the rank of the site will improve.
If you throw up a fast site with little effort on your part to “see if it works” you will be disappointed.
Your site is the foundation of your business – so put some effort into it and get it right.
Launch the site when you have the first five pages of content ready and then add content every day or two until the site has some weight (20-30 pages).
Installing analytics is often suggested and Google analytics can give real insight into what the viewer experience is on your site.
Problems arise when studying the analytics takes time away from continuing to build the site.
You can analytic programs later but might want to forget about them until your site begins to gain momentum.
New marketers are often concerned about Google’s practice of banning accounts for what seems like slight infractions.
You can build a good business by operating on fear. Read the terms of service for Google and for any affiliate site you sign up for.
If you are building sites for AdSense income, using well written, interesting content that is well targeted to the subject offers some protection for the site owner.
It provides a good, clean site where changes could quickly change the site from AdSense focus to sales of affiliate products.
Making Sense of Adsense
Marketing is a tool used to produce money in by employing different ways of making advertisements visible to the general public.
Putting ads where they will be seen by anyone is not enough.
Effective marketing is something that places the right ad where the right people will see it.
With the internet there is an immeasurable amount of data and advertisements are a part of this.
Advertisements should be geared towards the frame of thought a sites content will be about; for example, it would not be very effective to have an ad for wasp and hornet killer on a site that is all about after market tuning kits and parts for import vehicles.
A person who is looking for things to make their car faster or look better is most likely not going to care if they can get a great insecticide at a very reasonable price; hence this is an ineffective ad, it might as well not even be there.
Now, if you take that same ad for a spray can of wasp and hornet killer with a 25 foot range, and place that on a gardening, home improvement, do-it-yourself project kind of website, the people looking at those pages are more likely to be in a frame of mind where clicking on that ad makes sense.
“Hmm, I’m going to be working on the deck the weekend and I have noticed a few wasps nests around, I should probably check out this ad.”
Google AdSense automatically designates what ads will appear on your website according to the nature of the articles found on a given website.
Since this is an automated process, you don’t have to do anything to ensure the right ads will be on your site if you should change the content.
Ads are matched by this service as was way of producing a supplemental, passive income in addition to the content already found on your webpage.
By having good content on your website, using Google AdSense is an easy way to generate revenue by having automatically selected advertisements that correspond to the articles found there.
AdSense in Depth
The AdSense Options
Google AdSense comes in three incarnations and each is designed for a different purpose, these are; AdSense for content, AdSense for search, and Premium AdSense.
Google AdSense is an easy program to apply for as there in no minimum traffic requirements.
The important factor is the kind of content on the site. The content must be deemed as acceptable for Google to be willing for a site to display it ads.
AdSense for Content
Google’s AdSense for content is the primary service of this kind.
These advertisements are associated to the content found on the intended webpage, these ads are a source of income for which all you have to do is provide articles, or have good content on your webpage.
You get paid for every time a person clicks on one of these ads, ads which are there strictly by the virtue of the content which your page contains and you get paid for providing these ads.
Since the ads are aligned according to the content found, if the content of the page changes, the ads will change to match whatever content is found on that page.
This process is automated but still allows a large measure of control over what advertisements will get served on your web page.
As the publisher for advertisements on your web page, you have the power to decide what ads you do not want.
This makes good sense because it gives you ultimate control over what is advertised in association with your web page.
For instance, you may not want to show ads for your competitors, in such a case you simply inform Google of which companies you do not want advertised on your site.
A further level of control is having the ability to review ads and set filters.
Google has its own set of guidelines for advertisement content, such as use of language and discrimination.
These ads are automatically filtered and will not show on your site. Beyond Google’s default filtering you can create your own site specific filters.
This offers a finer level of control besides just blocking an advertiser all together.
This allows you to show some of an advertiser’s content while blocking other ads, meaning ads can be allowed on an individual basis.
Should a situation arise where Google’s content engines are not able to specify ads to web sites, Google will allow you to decide which ads you want to show.
If no selection is made then you will get public service ads in their place.
To ensure that ads displayed on the website look like they belong, you have the option to customize the displayed ads with color and layout.
Some options will be provided, but you may also have your own custom layout and color scheme applied to the advertisements.
Since the ads are showing on your webpage, the advertisers have no control over the appearance of their ad.
You have ultimate control over the appearance of the ad, not just whether the ad appears or what kind of ads will show on your site.
Knowing how effective the ads showing on your site are is crucial.
The AdSense service from Google includes an array of comprehensive reports that show your earnings and the performance of the ads according to various metrics, such as color, size, etc.
This tool is invaluable as it allows you customize your site for maximum earning potential with the ads placed on the website.
AdSense for Search
This program affords visitors to your website a huge level of convenience by adding a Google Search box onto the web page.
Providing this option to visitors is a huge benefit to you as the publisher in sense that a visitor would never have to leave your page to search the internet.
This increases productivity for you by allowing the customer to stay on your site and be exposed to the ads shown there because you are hosting Google Search.
When a visitor searches from your website, when the results page comes up, Google Ads are included in the results as always.
If said visitor clicks on any of the ads that come up from the search they initiated from your website, you get paid for that as well.
This opens up a huge potential for earning from ads that are not even displayed on the website.
Included with Google AdSense is the same suite of controls and options available with Google AdSense for Content.
This suite of controls and options gives you the power to customize and filter ads, analyze and review income and effectiveness of ads showing on your page.
Google AdSense Premium Service
The Premium AdSense Service from Google expands upon the basic suite of controls and options available through the other services.
Availability of the Premium service is based on eligibility of the website.
To qualify for this service your site must be search queried 5 million times a month, or your site must have a minimum of 20 million hits per month.
The Worth of AdSense
We have all heard the get rich quick schemes available on the internet. Google AdSense is not one of these.
What Google AdSense has to offer is a way to generate a sizeable income with minimal effort.
To say minimal effort one should not infer that there is no work to be done.
With appropriate planning, you will make an added income off your already existing webpage using Google AdSense.
To know what AdSense can do four you, let’s take a look at what AdSense does.
Every time an ad is clicked by a visitor to any site using this service, the host site receives a percentage of the amount Google is paid.
The amount that you receive for each click on an ad on your site depends on a few factors.
First is the amount the advertiser itself has established with Google.
Second is the Payout Rate for each time an ad is clicked through Google, this also varies on a per case basis.
What is known as the Clickthrough Rate is how many times an ad is clicked during a given timeframe divided by the number of times that ad is shown during the same timeframe.
Webpage traffic is the number of visitors to you site; and the rate of frequency for which particular ad is displayed on your site.
To put these variables into some context let’s throw some numbers in the mix and see what AdSense generates in a single day.
If the Click through rate $.50, then the advertiser pays Google this amount every time their ad is clicked.
Let’s assume the payout rate to be 50% of the Clickthrough rate, in this instance it would be $.25.
So if the Clickthrough rate 5 out of 100, to be clear, this means that of the ad was displayed 100 times in the course of a day, 5 people clicked on it; this is represented as a clickthrough rate of 0.05.
The webpage traffic is simply how many hits your site got this day; in this case we will say 200.
The frequency of the ad was 100, meaning this ad was shown 100 times on this day.
The formula works like this:
Revenue generated for a single day is equal to:
0.5 X 0.25 X 0.05 X 200 X100= $125.00
This amount represents what would be earned from this ad alone in the course of one day; the numbers represented in this example are purely for the sake of showing how the formula works and how all the variables are compiled.
Nonetheless, let’s take this example to be the daily average and explode the amount to a monthly basis. Now we are looking a figure of $3,750.
So if you take this some and think of what that means over a year, you see this add generates $45,000.
This ad alone, not considering what other ads show on your site can produce a sizeable income.
Let’s snap back to reality and evaluate what you did to receive this income; you signed up with Google AdSense.
Obviously there were a few other preliminary steps, but really, the fact that you signed up for this service is what is padding your bank account.
This should make it clear what Google AdSense can do for you, as it is already doing for so many others.
One Step at a Time
The Next Step – How to get started
Joining the Google AdSense program is obviously a step you want to take.
Getting involved in such a lucrative business is not quite as easy as the money you can make by using this service.
Google has a process by which you must be approved to be a part of the AdSense program.
The procedure to be accepted is not publicly available, but the policies that Google has in place concerning this program are.
It is certainly to your benefit to know what these policies are as they are a determining factors concerning eligibility, these policies are updated and subject to change so it is best to stay abreast of current policies to avoid a suspension from this service and thusly miss out on income.
You can find these policies listed here: http://www.google.com/adsense/policies
What’s On Your Site?
The key issue to be considered is the content found on the webpage or sites for which you wish to have this service.
Although the process of acceptance or rejection is not defined, it is abundantly clear that the nature of the site, the content found within must found to be acceptable according to Google’s specifications in order to qualify.
The foremost issue concerning content, what the majority of websites get rejected for is simple: quality. This criterion is both quantitative and qualitative.
Not only is it essential that you have good, informational content, but there must be enough of it to make it worth while.
This does not constitute a site which is mostly fluff, the kind of content that consists primarily of keywords in order to attract hits from search engines, or links to other sites and is little more than a gateway to other sites.
Google will not accept a site that has nothing to offer in the way of information and is self serving in nature, meaning that the site is not a service to visitors but a location that has nothing to offer but its own agenda and “goods.”
Considering the kind of company Google is, and what the nature of their business is, be sure that the standard for quality content is high.
Google specializes in information and can easily discern the difference between a site that offers good, quality information and one that has nothing more than junk.
Sites that get approved are sites that have real knowledge to offer their visitors. The articles available on your site are the determining factor.
Typically these articles are purely informational or analytical. Many online businesses that have goods and services to offer provide information besides this.
Providing information about the industry helps build the website as well as educate the potential customer; the more information available besides the products and services for sale, the better.
An issue that prevents many companies from qualifying for this program is their level of specialization.
When a site is focused on a specific and specialized issue, something for which the market is very narrow, advertising aligned with this content would be self defeating as the site would inadvertently be showing ads for its competition.
This is an issue of redundancy; in a specialized market where there may be only a few companies, advertising for them your own site is not the way you want to make money.
Having control over what ads appear on your site, these would naturally be blocked, and therefore you would have no ads showing as all; completely pointless.
The polar opposite of this is a site that is merely an internet revolving door that offers only links to other pages.
This is not content, as site such as this is nothing more than a stepping stone because it has no information available to the visitor.
The only thing a site like this has to offer is a high hit rate, or number of visits, but Google requires more than a high number of visits to qualify for the AdSense program.
Simply put, to have your site seriously considered for an opportunity like Google AdSense has to offer, make sure your site has at least 30 to 40 informational articles with a minimum of 400 to 450 words each.
Information should be updated on a regular basis to ensure visitors are getting appropriate information.
Content of this magnitude does not have to be written in house.
There are countless websites that offer free information in addition to all the agencies that specialize in writing content of a professional caliber that will be tailored to the Google AdSense program to make it as profitable as possible.
Maximize Your Potential
After your site has been found fit for Google’s AdSense program, it is now time to take this tool and make it work for you.
Like any other tool, you have to know how to use it in order for it to be most effective. There are a few basic steps you should take in order to optimize this opportunity.
First – Subtle Ads Work
Google AdSense automatically selects advertisements that are in line with the content that is on your page.
As the publisher of the site, you are the one in control of what appears on your site and what it looks like.
This is an issue that should be addressed and used to its fullest advantage.
You get to choose what ads are displayed on your webpage and you can customize them to be visually in sync as well as contextually aligned.
This is a great advantage as the commonly accepted opinion on the effectiveness of an advertisement and how it relates to the rest of the page it is on is that the less the ad stands out, the less foreign it appears to be on your page, the more likely it is to be clicked.
Points to consider on how effective you can make these adds by having them as uniform as possible with the rest of the page are few, but very important.
Most basic, is the color scheme. Make sure the color scheme of the ad most closely resembles what your page looks like.
Ensure the size of the font, and the actual font of the ad are the same.
Remove everything you can that differentiates the ad from the rest of the page, like borders.
Keep the appearance of your site, the entire site, the same across the board, it makes a visitor feel more comfortable and thusly more likely to click on the various links found on the site, which in turn becomes revenue.
Text links are an entity unto themselves and are uniform throughout the internet. These links are blue; this is what makes them identifiable as a text link.
If you change this feature, you are basically hiding your links; not a good idea.
There is some debate as to what kind of ad is better, a pure text ad, or an image ad; something that offers visual stimulus.
Text ads are generally more effective, but this is not something to struggle over as Google’s AdSense program recommends which ever type of advertisement is more akin to you content and which ad will generate the most money.
Considering Google has at least as much of a stake in the success of these ads as you do, and the computing power behind these suggestions, there should not be too much of a debate.
Second – Placement Equals Profit
Placement of the ad within your web page is as important as any other aspect concerning your success using the Google AdSense program.
It is understood that the ad will appear on your web page, but the question is where on the webpage?
Again, this is time to consider the over all look of the webpage and how well the ad is incorporated to the site.
You want to the add to look less like an ad as you want it to look like a part of the web page that is supposed to be there.
When working with the Google AdSense program, you are basically dealing with a real estate situation on your web site.
Depending how your page is set up in the first place, you may need to do some rearranging if not add pages to organize all the content shown on your web site.
Adding pages to keep all your content orderly, efficient and easy to look at gives you an opportunity to have more ads displayed.
In general, text based advertisements are easier to work with, but consideration has to be given to how your page is set up and what would be most effective in terms of getting people to click on the ads on your page.
For example, if your site consists mostly of text, you can provide visual relief by having image based advertisements.
People tend to “look” with their mouse as much as their eyes, so having ads that draw their attention will most likely get the ad clicked.
Considering how a webpage loads, it is advisable to have the advertisement be viewable immediately, making it easy to find, easy to gain interest in, easy to click.
Having a banner across the top of the page ensures the visitor will see the ad immediately.
The alternative to the banner is a column, also known as a “skyscraper.”
This can be placed on either side of the web page, but is most successful when placed to the right of the primary content table, due to how the English and most other languages are read.
The will tend to come to a rest at the end of a sentence, conveniently right where the ads will be.
Ads on your web site should be arranged in such a way that they are congruent with the other links found on your page.
If other links on your site are all localized in one specific area, then the AdSense links should be included in the same area.
This is common practice, and perfectly acceptable according to Google’s own standards.
Be aware of what part of your web site gets viewed the most and is updated the most, as this is the best place to the ads displayed.
If you have the ad showing on some other secluded part of the website, then the ad will not get the exposure it ought to, and basically you will just be losing money.
To find out what part of your web site has the most traffic is not difficult, usage logs can be provided by your hosting provider.
There is a serious distinction between Google’s AdSense program and most other affiliate marketing programs.
There are a number of marketing ploys that will intentionally ask internet surfers to click on a link. This is simply not allowed as a part of Google’s AdSense method.
This is a somewhat controversial tactic if not counter effective to the goal.
Directly asking for a click on a link is unprofessional and can be interpreted as immoral.
For these reasons Google prohibits pandering for clicks or any dishonest means of gaining clicks.
Make the content the heart of your site. Be wise in arranging how the ads will appear on your site.
Give serious thought to how you will use your web page in conjunction with Google AdSense, as these two things will become one; and they should compliment each other.
These things in the end, will not only improve the overall quality and experience of your website, but will make it more useable and profitable.
Third – Keywords are the Key
Once the first two steps in this process have been accomplished, you are in a position to choose the best keywords possible for your web site.
Keywords are, well key, to how visitors will find out about your site, who will come to your site and just as importantly it has everything to do with how Google AdSense operates with your site.
It is common for a website publisher err by selecting a keyword based on its price with the frame of mind that if it costs more than it will generate more income.
This is when it is most important to remain goal oriented and remind yourself of what you are trying to achieve.
Expensive keywords do not exactly translate to lots of revenue from Google AdService.
Think about what your web page is about, consider the adds that will be displayed there, and why; for people to click as a source of income to you.
You want key words that are specific to what your site is about and will attract visitors that are most likely to follow the advertisement links.
This is why you signed on for AdSense in the first place, to create a source of passive income.
Buying a key that has a high ranking does not mean that it is applicable to your web site, and that visitors directed there will be wasting their time, and in return, you will lose money over it.
There are several ways for which you can search for the best keywords for your site:
- If you have an account set up, Google AdWords is a highly effective tool for determining popularity of all kinds of keywords and it provides information concerning the cost and returns concerning each keyword.
- Google AdWords contains a feature called AdWords KeyWords Tool which can identify synonymous keywords, or other different possibilities
- Keyword Analyzer is a generator of key phrases that internet users type in different search engines.
- Having a WordTracker account is also a god idea. WordTracker has a feature that suggests the premier 1,000 choices for keywords. Such a tool will help you list keywords that have to do with your website. Spending money on an item like this can help you immensely when it comes to finding appropriate keywords that will end up generating revenue.
- Search is another tool that will list the most popular 100 keywords, which will give you examples of valuable keywords again.
Choosing the appropriate keywords for your site and the ads found there will dramatically increase your clickthrough rate.
Key words found in the advertisements themselves will populate directly to the Google results page for the word searched.
This is an added benefit of choosing the right words to direct people to your site, and to attract people to your money producing ads.
You should see how important having the best keywords possible associated to your site results in more effective use of the AdSense program with Google.
Don’t ignore the importance of the URL for your web page.
The URL you have is not just important for finding your page in the internet; it is just as important in how the Google AdSense program works for you.
It is generally accepted that the keywords found in your URL as at least as valuable as the keywords found within your webpage.
Including good keywords in your URL can potentially increase not just traffic o your site but the clickthrough rate as well, you could as much as double this rate by making sure you have a URL that has solid keywords.
Domain names that contain keywords having to do with website is about can be costly, but certainly an option.
There are also domain names that are no longer being used, this is also a good option to look into and might save you money, if not actually make you money.
Fourth – The Content Counts
We have covered the importance of having solid advertisements, using good placement and how to ensure you get the traffic you deserve to your site.
There is still one more aspect to your site and how effective it can be in generating income.
You need to ensure that you have quality content on your site, the kind of content that will magnetize people to your website.
This can be affected through redressing your content in order to have your content work harmoniously with the Google AdSense program.
This does not mean that you should insert as many keywords as you can think of into the text of your content. This is counterproductive.
You want to make sure that you draw a focused group to your page, people that will find what they are looking for in what you have to offer in addition to the fact that this group of people will be the most likely to click on the ads found on your site because these ads are focused and specific to the content on your site.
Having a large number of people visit your page that are wondering why the search they created brought up this site, hence people that have little to no interest in what your page is about, are not going to increase your click through rate.
Marketing is not a random numbers game.
This tactic will cause your pages productivity to dip, or more plainly cause you to earn less than you could by attracting the right people to your page.
The goal is to have your site produce money by displaying ads that are in the same vein as your content.
When a visitor gets a good feeling by finding information they are looking for, it makes them wonder what else they might find on such a fabulous web page, which means they use their mouse to explore the site, and thereby click on ads found on your page which have to do with what they are interested in.
The end result is you just made some money because a person just clicked on an ad they found on your site.
The reason they clicked this ad is because they found your site to be useful and informative due to the content they found which had everything to do with the keywords they used in the search they created.
Content is the heart of the Google AdSense program, as it should be for your site as well.
The content should be useful, real, meaty knowledge based articles that can answer questions or point a person in the right direction.
You can have articles that are interrelated to each other on the same site.
This offers some variety of information available and the kinds of ads that will be seen on your site, but don’t let this spin out of control.
The content should be limited or focused so that it is useful.
You absolutely do not want a site that covers all kinds of topics and provides very little to no information on any or very few of these topics.
This is frustrating to visitors, as well as ineffective for drawing a group that will click on the ads they see on your site.
Focused, informative content creates a click – happy visitor.
Meandering, shallow, widespread empty content makes a visitor confused and unhappy, one who will probably never come back to your site again, ever.
The importance of managing the content of your site cannot be stressed enough. Using the Google AdSense program to any degree of success depends on this.
Before including the Google AdSense code anywhere in your site, be sure you address these two chief aspects:
- It is important that you have sufficient textual content to at least make Google AdSense productive for you. Having a solid foundation of textual information is what Google requires just to make the AdSense program operate. Remember that Google uses your content to decipher what ads should be displayed along with it. Without enough content Google will not be able to display ads that have to do with anything, in their place only public service ads will show which do not generate any income for you.
- The various pages on your site should be titled appropriately to reflect the information that will be found there and hence the ads as well. Nondescript titles have nothing to offer, so make sure each page is labeled in a way that makes your page more useful and easy to navigate. These titles should be short and effective so that all search engines will pull them up when searched, as long, verbose titles may be excluded by some search engines.
Fifth – Use the Tools
Use the reports and tracking tools available to you through Google AdSense.
These tools are there so you can see how effectively you are using the AdSense program and thereby make any changes that can increase your productivity and swell your income.
Of the tracking features available through Google AdSense there are two kinds of “Channels.”
These channels are used to track your ads according to URL as well classify ads based on type, keywords, location in the internet, etc.
In addition these channels there are sever logs available as another tool to evaluate your use of the AdSense program.
URL Channels
URL channels allow you to track how well your web pages are executing without adjusting your ad code.
To use this device, simply input a URL either partially or in full.
A complete URL will track a specific page, to track the entire site you use the top-level name for your domain.
Custom Channels
Custom channels track specific information on your site, the items in question are chosen by you.
Pick the component you want to know about and adjust the channel to search for the according information.
A customizable channel allows you a great degree of focus for specific information, there are up to 50 customizable channels at your disposal.
With this tool you can compare various aspects of the ads on your page, like the performance of an ad on one page compared to an ad on another page.
Custom channels can identify where clicks originate by creating a channel for each page.
Server Logs
Server Logs are an external tool included in the Google AdSense software. This allows you to check local usage of information outside what Google tracks.
Third Party software is not Google software, many of these third parties guarantee to work according to AdSense guidelines, but the responsibility is yours to ensure proper use.
Tracking software can provide information on users and how they got to you like:
- Referring website
- Web browser used
- Origin of ad clickers
- Keywords used
Use it well
Knowing and Doing
Understanding the Google AdSense program is one thing, using it to its fullest potential is another.
Review this information to ensure full comprehension of this program because this is the only way you will be able to use Google AdSense to its maximum profit potential.
Google AdSense is a program that affords you as its user an added income, it is your responsibility alone to make sure you understand all aspects and components that are part and parcel of the program and apply this knowledge in a way that benefits you, the visitors of your website, Google, and the advertisers on your page.
Common Sense
Using Google AdSense means you are familiar with their terms of service and are comporting your website in accordance with these terms.
Google keeps a close watch on websites using this service and does not allow any variance from the defined Terms of Service.
Any wavering will result in suspension of the program; you joined this program for monetary gain, it is essential you stay abreast of what is required by Google for you to be able to use this program.
Your site must be informative in nature to be of use to anyone, your visitors, to Google and to yourself as well.
You want the information available through your site to have a focused scope.
There should be some variety found on your site, but must have a main theme covering all aspects of this site.
In turn, visitors will be satisfied with the knowledge content and more likely to explore all aspects of your page.
What this means to you is that by having a variety of topics under theme umbrella you are giving yourself flexibility and variety in the ads that can be displayed on your website.
The end result is that you will increase your clickthrough rate and earn more with AdSense.
Keywords will literally unlock the earning potential of your website. Understand how they are used and what keywords are best to have referenced to your website.
Relevance to the nature of your website, and thusly the ads found there, is what matters.
These keywords may found in the URL, the content, the page title and in the ads themselves, so don’t go for expensive keywords because they cost more.
Choose keywords that fit within the spectrum of knowledge you are offering on your site; words that are thematically inline with the ads visitors will find on your page to increase your clickthrough rate.
Offer information that is uncommon, or at least a section of information that is specific to a few subsets of information visitors look for.
The point of using Google AdSense is that what you have to offer by way of information creates a window of opportunity where advertising along the line of information you offer will provide information, solutions and/or profit for all parties involved with your website; you, the user, Google and the respective advertiser.
Try different arrangements of advertisement to see what works best with your site. These formats can be different from one page of the site to another.
The better you understand the program and how to seamlessly integrate it into your website, the more of a profit you stand to make.
If you have the same format on each page of your site, that is less engaging to the user, and more easily defines where the ads are on each page.
You want to have the ads on each page of your site work with the content found there.
The structure of the ad within your web page should be an amplifier. A visitor to your site should not have to look for the place where you stand to make money.
Have the ad be easily visible, have it appear in such a way that it cannot be ignored, where it will be immediately viewable to the visitor so that it is more likely to pique curiosity and a willingness to click on the link.
The Google AdSense preview tool bar is your friend. This allows you to see how the configuration will appear on your website before you apply it.
This is your chance to look at your site with the addition of the AdSense program, and the options and level of customization you have chosen through the eyes of a potential visitor.
Take this opportunity to really evaluate the setup you have selected experiment of necessary and try other setups before settling.
Make the most of the tools available to you with the Google AdSense program.
These tools are there for you to ensure that you are maximizing the potential of the program.
Make this a habit as trends can change and the performance of your site may change along with the trends.
Find out what is working and what is not, maybe you could choose better key words, are all your visitors coming from a particular search engine?
What can you find out using these tools that will help you make better decisions concerning the use of Google AdSense?
Uncommon Sense
Stay honest in your approach to making money, the purpose of participating in this program is to provide visitors to your website with information and maybe solutions, not to trick them into clicking an ad.
This is not something Google tolerates. Nor does Google tolerate abuse of this system by the user.
Here are some examples of dishonest practices that will be identified by Google and result in a suspension:
- Clicking ads on your own website
- Repeated manual clicks
- Creating a robot to generate clicks
- Automatic clicking programs
- Using dishonest methods to have visitors click on ads
Make your website easy to use and easy to read. This applies to the ads found on your site as well.
You do not want to be self defeating by having content that overshadows the ads; their text and URL.
You want there to be an ease of viewing all aspects of the site, content and ads alike.
This being said, there should be as much uniformity between the content and the ads as possible.
Customize the ads to match the rest of your site by altering the size and type of font that the ads display with.
Have the color of the text and the background be the same as the rest of your web page.
You do not want the ad to preclude itself from the interest of the visitor by sticking out as an outside advertisement, you want the ad to look as at home as the rest of your content.
Keep up with your site; maintain it so it is always fresh and easy to navigate. Remove or update broken links.
The information you are providing should be not only useful and focused, but also researched and updated regularly.
The ads showing on your web site should correspond with the information provided, and this should be done in depth; per page within your domain.
Do not provide information that is illegal or out of date.
Articles found on your site should be original, not plagiarized. Material of an inappropriate, obscene or offensive nature should not be found on your site.
Keep your site friendly, informative, up to date, clean, legal and original.
AdSense for RSS and Blogs
Google now has AdSense designed specifically for RSS acronymous for Really Simple Syndication.
RSS is an option found on the internet that provides information in a unique document format known as XML.
This format is used as a feed that provides news-type information in an organized fashion, this is the kind of information you can find on many websites that is not considered to be “mainstream.”
An RSS feed is a way to offer a very diverse collection of information and content that most websites either cannot or do not offer.
Google AdSense for feeds is a special program and thereby has its own special set of policies. You can review these policies at:
These policies must be adhered to for participation in the AdSense for feeds program.
Including AdSense in your Blog
Blogs are another form of website that can be used for dispensing information. Typically blogs, or Web Logs, are of a more personal nature.
Due to the nature of what a blog is, the information found on a blog can be of a wide variety, covering many topics.
The best way to describe a blog is as an online diary used to share an individuals thoughts, experiences, and activities in the form of text and images.
This content is viewable to the public and even open for discussion and debate in many instances.
Because of the open nature of blogs there can be found a wealth of information and huge range of topics, the Google AdSense program is completely apropos for this kind of site.
This kind of website is inexpensive to produce and easy to use as a generator of revenue, especially with a program like AdSense.
Getting approval for AdSense for a blog is not difficult so long as the site is in accordance with Google’s policies.
Blog content is most often original because the site is built on personal relevance.
This creates a wide birth for potential information and thusly for advertising opportunity.
Blog content may not always be a fun read or even quality content, but for advertising purposes the content is usually up to snuff for Google.
The diversity a blog offers is well suited to the nature of the AdSense program.
A Blog does not have to have specified them to be effective because the overall theme of a blog is inherent in its nature; whatever a person wants to share with people on the internet.
This can include debating topics, expressing feelings, asking question, discussing current events, sharing experiences, telling stories about travel, just about anything a person has to say or wonders about is what a blog is designed for.
As a result of this, there is a vast potential for Google AdSense to have ads that match up with some or all of the content found therein.
In order for Google AdSense to work with a website, that website must be indexed by Google.
Blogs are easily indexed by Google, often faster and more easily than a regular or commercial type of website. This process can take as little as a few days for a blog.
What this means is that the chances of Google approving a blog for the AdSense program are quite high.
Because of the kind of website a blog is, it is very cheap to create and maintain.
There are so services or products that are inherent to its nature; the site itself is the service, both to the blogger and the reader.
This is an inexpensive avenue to use the AdSense program that can ultimately be used to produce revenue.
AdSense in a Nutshell
Schemes and ploys to make your bank account grow are not the tools of legitimate business. Deceit and false expectations do not lead anywhere but disappointment.
There are systems for making money that may not be “easy,” but are certainly smart.
Creating a way of generating a passive income via advertising on the internet is one of them.
Google AdSense is an opportunity available to anyone who has something to offer and is willing to follow the guidelines Google defines.
Google AdSense is a recognized, well established and highly esteemed program made for the purpose of online marketing.
Completely legitimate and easy to use, Google has a way for you to profit from your already existing website, substantially profit.
This is a smart way to bolster your finances that uses already existing sites for advertising.
Once you have applied for the program, have been accepted, and settled on a format that works for your site and ads, you have set yourself up a system of creating an income that is practically automated.
The maintenance is minimal, but mandatory if you intend to succeed in using the AdSense to its full potential over the long term.
The internet, Google’s policies, and information in general are all fluid things that must be researched and kept up to date.
Maintain adherence to Google’s policies, keep your content fresh and useable, track how the program is working and you will sustain an income that works for you.
Regardless of what your status is on the internet, no matter how many sites you have, or if these are blogs, or RSS feeds, there are tools you should be aware of to capitalize on the AdSense program.
These resources consist of tools and scripts that will help you in the many facets of the Google AdSense marketing program.
Using these tools you will be able to analyze keywords and what ads appear for those keywords.
You will be able to see what the clickthrough rate is and how much each ad is generating.
These are only a couple of examples for how you will be able to see how effectively you are using the program and how you can adjust, customize and increase productivity.
The Tools
- AdSense Preview tool from Google – Preview your AdSense Ads
- AdSense Desktop – Tool for analyzing Google AdSense statistics
- AdSenseLog – Another tool for analyzing AdSense stats
- AdSenseCharts – Chart generator for your statistics
- Revenue Checker for Google AdSense – Checks and monitors revenue
- Google AdSense Sandbox Tool – shows ad/keyword correlation
- AdSense Web Tool – similar to the one above
- AdSense Tracker – Statistical Analysis and tracking
- AdSense Monitor – AdSense tracking script
- SysSense – A utility that puts your AdSense information in the Windows system tray
- AdSense Notifier – places AdSense information in a status bar
- AdSense™ Tracker – Another good tracking tool
- Google AdSense Tracking Script – Another tracking script
- AdSenseMasterFlex 2.0 – Script
- asRep: Google AdSense tracking script