101 Proven Ways to Get More Web Traffic, Fast
If there’s one thing that just about every website owners needs more of, it’s traffic. But not just any traffic. Naturally, you want targeted traffic who’s interested in what you’re selling.
So how do you get all this traffic? Answer: by employing as many proven traffic methods as possible. That’s what this report is about, where you’ll get 101 tips for driving traffic to your site using strategies such as:
- Social media marketing
- Content marketing
- Offline strategies And much more. Let’s jump in…
Get traffic from social media platforms using these tips…
1. Join the major platforms.
There are a whole lot of social media platforms for you to join, but the key is to only join those sites where your market regularly logs in. The top two include Twitter and Facebook.
Other options include LinkedIn and Google+.
TIP: There may be popular niche-specific platforms you can consider joining. For example, Dogster.com is a popular social media site for dog lovers.
2. Fill out your profiles.
Spend time filling out your profiles, including adding a good photo and a good description of you and your business. Be sure to include a link to your site along with a call to action that gives people a reason to click on your link.
For example: Need to lose at least 25 pounds? Click here to discover the new diet Hollywood celebrities are raving about!
3. Start a Facebook Page.
Log into your Facebook account and go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/create/ to get started. Again, be sure to fill out your Page profile completely, including a link and call to action, and then start posting content such as tips, infographics and even videos.
TIP: Include relevant keywords in your Page name as well as the description to help people find your page.
4. Start a Facebook Group.
Log into Facebook and click on “Create a Group” in the left-side navigation bar. You’ll be able to choose a name for the group and choose whether it’s open (this is your best choice for a business), closed (must be a member to see the posts) or secret.
This is a great way to start a discussion group or support group. For example, you could start a support group for those who’re trying to lose weight, or start a discussion group for people who like to modify their sports cars.
5. Post share-worthy content.
If you want to take advantage of social media’s naturally viral platform, then post content worth sharing. This is content that possesses one or more of the following factors:
- Unique
- Useful
- Entertaining
- Controversial
- Uplifting, inspiring or motivational
- Funny
After you post good content, then follow the next tip…
6. Encourage people to share.
Posting share-worthy content is part of the equation. The other part to present a call to action where you specifically ask people to share, re-tweet and re-post your content.
For example: “Click share if you agree!”
Another example: “Share with your friends – they’ll love you for it!”
7. Funnel people back to your site.
While it’s great to build up a big social media platform, don’t forget that the goal is to drive traffic back to your site. One good way to do this is to pin a post at the top of your page that offers people a free lead magnet product in exchange for their email address. You can then link to your lead page.
TIP: Many of the major email service providers (such as Aweber) offer Facebooks apps that you can use to build your list. Check with your provider to see if they offer these tools.
8. Start a contest on social media.
You can get more subscribers, followers and traffic if you offer awesome prizes and use a tool like PerkZilla lets people get more entries by sharing your contest with their friends, which makes your contest go viral.
Pro Tip: Offer all “runners up” a limited-time discount coupon on your products as a consolation prize. It’s a good way to boost sales!
9. Put social media badges on your blog.
In other words, make it easy for people to “like” and “share” your blog content on social media, which in turn drives more traffic back to your site.
If you’re using WordPress, you can search plugins for “social media share” plugins (go to https://wordpress.org/plugins/). Or you can directly opt for a popular plugin such as Social Warfare
10. Post a variety of content.
Variety keeps people engaged, but it also gives you a chance to see what types of content get you the most engagement. You can post content such as:
- Infographics
- Memes
- Quotes
- Jokes
- Videos
- Tips
- Articles
- Observations
- Niche-relevant “rants”
- Reactions to news stories
… And so on. Keep track of likes, shares and comments to figure out what your audience loves.
11. Interact with your followers.
Don’t just post and walk away. Instead, be sure to reply to comments and join the discussion. It will help you build a relationship with your followers, which in turn makes it more likely they’ll want to do business with you.
Here are some useful Social Media Training Guides:
- Facebook Marketing Guide – Click Here
- Google Plus Marketing Guide – Click Here
- Instagram Marketing Guide – Click Here
- LinkedIn Marketing Guide – Click Here
- Pinterest Marketing Guide – Click Here
- Twitter Marketing Guide – Click Here
Search engine optimization is the way to get your content ranked well in Google and other search engines. Here are tips for getting better rankings…
12. Use a keyword tool.
Don’t guess what people are searching for in the search engines. Instead, use something like WordTracker.com, MarketSamurai.com or your favorite tool. Enter in your broad keywords (such as “organic gardening”), and the tool will list dozens, hundreds or thousands of related searches. You can then create content around those words with a relatively high number of search volume yet relatively low competition.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Download A FREE Copy of SEO PowerSuite Here
13. Redesign with SEO in mind.
If you’re getting ready to build or redesign a website, then don’t do a thing until you’ve figured out your main keywords. Then you can include those keywords within the navigation menu, other internal links, page titles and more.
14. Insert keywords in key places.
If you’re writing content for your blog, include your keywords in the page title, the title of the article and sprinkled within the content. Use synonyms as well. For example, if you’re writing about housetraining a puppy, you can use similar words such as housebreaking and potty training.
15. Consider your link names.
Try to include keywords in your links (e.g., “yourdomain.com/keywordhere.html”). It’s also a good idea if your domain name includes a keyword, if possible.
TIP: If you’re using WordPress, log into your dashboard, go to “Settings” and choose “permalinks.” Then choose a link structure that puts the post name in the link. Note that WP also lets you manually choose your link name when you’re creating the post.
16. Create a mobile-friendly site.
Google now includes mobile-friendliness as part of their ranking signals. This means your site should:
- Have a responsive
- Space links out so they’re easy to
You can check your site for free at https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly/.
17. Be sure your site loads fast.
Google prefers sites that load fast, especially for their mobile users. But you know what? Your visitors want a fast-loading site too. So go through your site and, if needed, reduce the size of graphics, turn of auto-play on videos or audios, and be sure all scripts are running smoothly.
18. Focus on quality links, not quantity.
Some search engines look at links from other sites as “votes” for your web page. However, poor quality links can actually hurt you, so you want to focus on getting links from high-quality, authority sites in your niche.
TIP: Posting high-quality content on your blog will bring these links to you naturally.
19. Write for humans first.
Sure, you’re supposed to sprinkle your keywords into your content. However, the key is to write for your human visitors first. It does your site no good if you create content that attracts search engines but repels human visitors.
TIP: If you focus on your human visitors, you’re less likely to get caught in a Google smack. Those tend to be reserved for webmasters who try to “trick” Google into delivering high rankings.
20. Keep yourself informed.
The SEO landscape changes fast, which is why you need to commit yourself to keeping informed. Keep an eye on well-known SEO sites such as www.searchenginewatch.com.
Viral marketing is a great way to get your prospects and customers sharing your marketing messages and content.
Check out these tips…
21. Create something unique.
People aren’t going to share something they’ve seen a thousand times before, so seek to create something unique. This doesn’t mean it needs to be 100% unique. For example, instead of inventing a new strategy in your niche, you can add a twist to an old strategy. You can even present old information in a fresh, new and exciting way. These steps all contribute towards making your content unique.
22. Make your content easy to consume.
People don’t have long attention spans, which is why most content that goes viral is short and easy to read, watch or listen to. For example, a two minute video is much easier to consume than a ten minute video.
TIP: This also means you shouldn’t put viral content behind obstacles, such as making people join a list before they can watch, read or listen to your content.
23. Ensure sharing is easy.
One of the easiest ways to launch viral content is on social media platforms where it’s easy to share the content with a click of the button. If you do put it on your website, be sure to include social-sharing buttons and a “tell a friend” script so people can share in seconds.
24. Evoke emotion.
People are motivated to share when you touch them on an emotional level. Some of the top emotions found in viral content include joy, delight, surprise and happiness. Evoking certain negative emotions (such as anger, fear and disgust) may also work, depending on your topic.
25. Use pop culture references.
This doesn’t work for every niche, obviously. However, if you can create an “inside joke” with a pop-culture reference, you might boost the viral effect. Take a look at actor George Takei’s Facebook Page for a good example of viral content that often incorporates pop-culture: https://www.facebook.com/georgehtakei.
26. Reverse engineer successful viral campaigns.
The idea here is to follow people in your niche who tend to launch viral campaigns on social media, and then take note of those that get a lot of likes, shares and comments. Then reverse engineer these campaigns to figure out what makes them successful. For example, perhaps you’ll notice that simple funny memes play best in your niche, or perhaps inspirational videos are what motivate your audience to share the content.
27. Experiment and test.
There is no exact formula for creating a viral content. That’s why viral marketers are constantly launching viral campaigns to see what works. Sometimes you’ll swear something will go viral and it won’t, while in other cases something will surprise you by taking off. So keep creating a lot of content, as you’re bound to have some successes.
28. Promote your viral content like crazy.
When you launch viral content, you need to get it in front of as many people as possible right away. The more people who see it when you launch it, the more quickly the viral effect takes hold (due to social proof). So be sure to promote your content using social media, telling your list, asking your marketing partners to share it, and even purchasing paid advertising (such as Facebook ads).
29. Pay attention to the launch time.
Think about your target audience and when they are most likely to be online, and then launch your content at that time. For example, 9:00am on the United States East Coast gets people who are checking their emails right before they start work for the day.
30. Call people to action.
You can increase your share rate by specifically telling people to share your content. For example, “Click here to share with your friends and give them a good laugh – they’ll thank you for it!”
31. Incentivize sharing.
Still another way to kick start the viral effect is to “bribe” people for sharing. For example, give sharers a really cool gift (like an ebook, video or app) if they share your content.
TIP: automate this strategy using tools like www.SocialShareMonkey.com which unlocks a gift after someone has shared your link on social media.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Download the “Going Viral” Course From Here
Affiliates can drive massive amounts of highly targeted, pre-sold leads your way. Here’s how to make the most of your affiliate program…
32. Make it easy for affiliates to promote.
Most affiliates want it to be “copy and paste” easy to promote your products, so create plenty of marketing materials for them to use. This includes:
- Solo emails
- Autoresponder series
- Blog articles
- Videos
- Rebrandable reports
You can also make yourself available for live events such as webinars and interviews.
33. Offer an attractive commission.
If you’re selling digital products, then you should be offering a 50% commission at a minimum. You certainly can offer more, especially if you have a low-priced product. You can even offer 100% commissions (which you can easily make up on the backend).
34. Sweeten the pot with additional perks.
There’s a lot of competition for good affiliates, so you may add in additional perks to affiliates such as training calls, contests, or even daily commissions (only for those you know and trust).
Pro Tip: Work hard to create a great product and a high-converting sales letter, as together these two things will attract good affiliates like ants to a picnic.
35. Give your best perks to top affiliates.
While you should offer an attractive affiliate program for all affiliates, be sure to save your best perks for the super affiliates.
For example, if you offer 50% commissions to affiliates, then give 60%, 70% or more to your super affiliates.
36. Offer access to the product to top affiliates.
Those who are known to be top affiliates in your niche shouldn’t have to purchase your product (though they might do it anyway). Instead, approach them directly and give them access to your product for free.
Pro Tip: If you have an ebook, you may want to create a hard copy and then mail it to your prospective super affiliates along with a recruitment letter. A package in the mail gets a lot more attention than an email, so the recipient is sure to open it.
37. Advertise your affiliate program.
Affiliates won’t find your program unless you get it in front of them. Here are three ways to do it:
- Get listed in relevant marketplaces (such as the Clickbank.com marketplace).
- Advertise on affiliate forums and Facebook groups (ask permission and/or place paid ads).
- Advertise your affiliate program on your website, including blogging about it from time to time. Be sure to share your post on social media as
In other words, advertise your affiliate program in the same way you promote a product. Just one good affiliate could be worth thousands of dollars to you, so it’s well worth the effort.
38. Court and recruit super affiliates.
Super affiliates aren’t trawling the web looking for opportunities. That’s why you need to seek out super affiliates in your niche (they’re the ones with big platforms who’re winning the affiliate contests), build relationships with them, and offer them irresistible perks for promoting your wares.
39. Create volume incentives.
Both super affiliates and your average affiliate will be motivated to work hard when you offer bumped up commissions based on volume.
Here’s an example:
- Sell 1-10 products in a month: 50%
- 11-20, 55%
- 21 – 30, 60%
(And so on.)
40. Start an affiliate contest.
This works great during a product launch, but it’s also a great motivator for re- engaging affiliates who hadn’t promoted your products lately. You can offer prizes to the top five or ten affiliates who sell the most, as well as offering random- drawing prizes to anyone who sold at least one product during the contest period. That way, even your smaller affiliates will be motivated to start promoting again.
41. Send out motivational emails.
You should have all your affiliates on an email list so that you can keep in touch with them on a weekly basis. You can send out:
- New ad swipes and other
- Training materials.
- Contest
- Case studies from affiliates who’re doing really well promoting your products.
…And anything else of interest and of use to your affiliates.
42. Create new offers for affiliates to promote.
There is more than one way to do this. Take a look:
- Create entirely new
- Re-launch existing
- Repurpose existing products, such as splintering a part of a home- study course and letting affiliates promote it for 100%
Next category…
You can leverage other peoples’ assets by doing joint ventures with marketers, authors and business owners in your niche. Check out these tips…
43. Build relationships first.
People like do to business with those they know, like and trust. Your marketing partners aren’t any different in this regard. That’s why you’ll get more “yes” responses to your joint venture inquiries if you build relationships first.
44. Stack the deck in your partner’s favor.
Make it easy for your prospective partners to say “yes” to your joint venture requests by creating proposals that give them a big return for very little work. This is particularly important if you want to work with the big names in your niche, so you should construct JVs where your partner gets a whole lot of benefit from agreeing to work with you.
45. Write proposals like sales letters.
Your joint venture proposals should answer the question that’s in the back of the recipient’s mind, which is “What’s in it for me?” To that end, be sure to list all the benefits the prospective partner will get if he or she agrees to the JV.
For example: “You’ll get 60% commissions on the front end, which is $60 every time someone buys through your link. These commissions will add up fast!”
46. Get your foot in the door.
If you’re trying to land a big joint venture partner, sometimes it’s easier to ask for a small favor first, and then later propose a bigger joint venture.
For example, today you can ask a prospective partner to share a tip that you’re going to compile into a “101 tips” report. Then next time you can make a bigger request, such as asking the person to do a webinar interview with you.
47. Cast a wide net for partners.
In other words, seek out as many partners as possible. Here are three ways to do it:
- Search Clickbank.com, JVZoo.com, Amazon.com and similar marketplaces to uncover those who’re selling popular
- Run a Google search to find those with popular blogs in your niche (e.g., “dog training blog”).
- Uncover the owners of popular Facebook Groups and Pages by running a search on
These vendors, bloggers and group owners are all potential partners.
48. Create great experiences your partners will want to repeat.
If your partners receive a lot of reward and have a smooth experience doing your joint venture, they’ll want to do more JVs with you in the future. To that end, be sure to keep in frequent contact with your partners, keep the project on track and generally ensure everyone has a good experience.
49. Think outside the joint venture box.
Some people think of affiliate marketing when they think of joint ventures, but there’s much more to it than that. For example:
- Partner up with an offline store owner to offer a free event. You can collect leads, and the store owner gets free foot
- Swap blog content with someone in your
- Swap lead magnets with someone in your
Those are just three ideas, but joint ventures are only limited to your imagination.
50. Do your due diligence.
When you partner with someone, your name and reputation is going to be associated with them. So research your partners in Google to be sure you’re doing business with people who have great reputations. If you see any red flags such as poor customer service, shoddy products, or complaints about not paying affiliates, steer clear and find other partners.
51. Create JVs that pay off for months to come.
As long as you’re going through the work of doing a joint venture, pick JVs that produce a nice reward for the long-term. For example, if you do a webinar with a partner be sure to record it. That way, you have a product that you can sell or give away for months or years to come.
52. Get introductions to top-shelf JV partners.
One of the best ways to get your foot in the door with the “big names” in your niche is by having a mutual friend do an introduction. So find out who knows who in your niche, and then ask for introductions.
53. Stay in touch with existing partners.
Relationships can’t grow unless you work on them. Nurture your joint venture partner relationships by staying in contact with your partners, even when you’re not doing a project together. Ask them how you can help their business grow. Ask them about personal things they’ve revealed. (E.G., “How was your vacation?”).
Be more than a business partner – be a friend.
54. Apologize if you screw up.
Sometimes a joint venture doesn’t go smooth. If it’s your fault, take full responsibility, apologize, and then make it right. Your partners will remember this, which will make them more likely to say “yes” the next time you approach them about a joint venture.
If you want traffic, then start writing, creating videos and other content. Here are tips to optimize your content strategy…
55. Start your own blog.
If you don’t have a blog set up yet, then go to WordPress.org to download the free files. Then commit to blogging at least weekly, being sure to offer a variety of content including tips, in-depth how-to articles, infographics, videos and more.
56. Write guest articles for other peoples’ blogs.
Check with other blogs in your niche to see if they accept guest articles. You can even run a search in Google to uncover these opportunities. Just search for your niche keywords alongside search terms such as:
- Guest articles
- Submit guest articles
- Guest blogging
- Submit articles
- Guest authors
You’re sure to uncover dozens of guest-blogging opportunities.
57. Comment on other peoples’ blogs.
The key here is to join the discussion and contribute thoughtful responses on other peoples’ blogs. At the end of your comment you can post a link to your blog (where allowed).
TIP: Don’t “hit and run” blogs with your comments. Instead, become a regular commenter and showcase your expertise, which will boost your standing in the niche community.
58. Take sides on big issues and blog about it.
You can ride the coattails of a popular issue by blogging about it. Be sure to use the issue’s keywords in your post so people can find it in the search engines. Then post a link to your blog on social media, being sure to use relevant hash tags.
59. Do webinars.
You can do this alone or with a joint venture partner. Either way, offer access to a high-quality webinar for free, and collect email addresses of everyone who joins. Now you have a list to follow up with to build a relationship and close sales.
60. Use lead magnets.
Another good way to build a list is to offer free access to a product or service in exchange for an email address. For example, you can offer:
- Reports and ebooks
- Videos
- Audio interviews or podcasts
- Mind maps
- Checklists
- Apps and other software
- Gear lists
… And any other in-demand tool or resource in your niche.
61. Create edutaining content.
Best way to hook readers and keep them coming back for more is by creating entertaining yet educational (AKA edutaining) content. Check well-known blogs like www.sethgodin.com and www.copyblogger.com for examples of engaging posts.
62. Distribute your content across social media.
Every time you post a blog article, do guest blogging, set up a webinar or create any other type of content, tell your social media followers about it. Better yet, ask them to share and re-tweet your posts and links. Just be sure you’re creating share-worthy content.
63. Don’t waste your author bylines.
Some people use their bylines to talk about themselves, and that’s a mistake. Instead, use your byline as a small ad to get people to click through to your site. You do this by providing a benefit and a call to action.
For example: “Are you tired of being overweight and not fitting into your favorite jeans? Click here to find out how to shed the fat fast…”
64. Submit content to offline publications.
Your business may be online, but your prospects still spend time offline. As such, you can reach deeper into your target market by submitting content to offline publications, including local newspapers and niche-relevant magazines.
65. Create a variety of content.
Keep your readers interested by creating different types of articles. This may include:
- Tips articles
- How-to articles
- Demos
- Rants
- Product Reviews
- Direct Promotions
- Interviews
- Industry news
- Opinions
And so on. Offering a variety of content will also give you a good idea of what your readers respond to the best.
66. Use cliffhangers in your content.
No matter what kind of content you’re creating, the key is to keep people reading or watching right through until the end. One good way to do this is to drop “cliffhangers” in the beginning and the middle, which means you arouse curiosity.
For example: “You’re probably wondering how much money this blogger made with that promotion. You’ll find out in just a minute, and I guarantee it will surprise you. But first, take a look at this…”
Naturally, you need to provide a payoff later where you finish your story and satisfy the readers’ curiosity.
67. Write a book.
People often view those who write print books as authorities and experts in the niche. You can sell your book on book sites such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble, as well as offering copies at offline events and directly off your website.
TIP: You’ll get even more authority if you can get other authorities in your niche to endorse your book. Send out review copies well ahead of publication to these authorities. That way, if they endorse you can print the endorsement (with permission) on the back cover and within the marketing materials.
Buying traffic is often a quick way to get plenty of targeted leads. Check out these tips…
68. Place ads on niche sites.
You’re probably already aware of many of the top sites in your niche. If not, go to Google and run a search for your niche keywords (such as “golf” or “car restoration” or “dog training”). Then take a look at the top sites to see if they accept advertising. If they do, then start with a small ad buy and invest more if you get good results.
69. Buy solo ads.
While you’re researching niche sites in Google, look for those that accept newsletter advertising. Join the newsletter first to be sure they provide high- quality content. If so, find out from the publisher how many subscribers they are and where they came from. If it all checks out, then again start small and invest more later if you get good results.
70. Use an advertising broker.
You don’t need to seek out ad opportunities yourself. Instead, you can use a “middleman” site like BuySellAds.com.
TIP: Search Google for “buy online advertising” to uncover even more of these types of sites
71. Research prospective venues.
Whenever you find a good advertising opportunity, be sure to do your due diligence. You want to be sure the site provides high quality information to an interactive, engaged audience. A good place to check this out is on the site’s blog.
TIP: Always ask the webmaster for the traffic demographics. Specifically, where is the traffic coming from?
72. Purchase Facebook advertising.
Your audience is probably already using Facebook, which makes it a great way to get your message in front of them. Log into your Facebook account and start here: https://www.facebook.com/ads/manager/creation/creation/. Then use Facebook’s ad tools to narrow the demographics and user behavior down to a targeted audience.
73. Use Google AdWords.
Google has a wonderful pay per click advertising opportunity at http://google.com/adwords. If you use AdWords, be sure to:
- Choose narrowly targeted keywords rather than broad
- Test and track your campaign using the built-in tools so you know which keywords and which ads deliver the best
74. Arouse curiosity.
No matter where you’re placing an ad, you can often boost click-through rates by arousing curiosity with the ad.
For example:
- Who else wants to discover the secret of looking ten years younger?
- Click here to find out what Hollywood celebrities know about dropping ten pounds
Here’s another way to sharpen your advertisements…
75. Use polished, bright graphics.
If you’re placing banner ads or other graphic ads, choose eye-catching graphics with one or more of these characteristics:
- Bright
- Simple and uncluttered.
- Smiling
- Cute
TIP: The subject of your photo should be looking directly at the view or at your ad’s text, as viewers will naturally look where a person or animal is looking.
76. Present a strong call to action.
You’ll get a better click-through rate if you tell people exactly what you want them to do. For example:
- Click here to watch this startling
- Click here to claim your discount
- Click here to join
77. Track and test your campaigns.
Some ad venues provide built-in tracking tools, including Google AdWords and Facebook Ads. Your email service provider likely does too. If you need tools for other campaigns, then check out Google Analytics or the alternative at Piwik.org.
78. Start small and invest in good venues.
No matter where you place your ads, start with small ad buys. If an advertiser doesn’t explicitly offer smaller ad buys, ask for them. For example, many newsletter publishers will be happy to let you send a solo email to a smaller portion of their list. Once you know a venue delivers good conversion rates, then you can invest in bigger ad buys.
Cast a wide net for web traffic by looking offline, too. Here’s how…
79. Send press releases.
This sounds old-school, but it still works. Create a press release to announce new products, a grand-opening of your business, contests and similar events, and then send it to your local, regional and even national media. You can even send out niche-relevant articles, such as an article about keeping dogs warm in the winter (with a link to your dog-related site at the end).
TIP: Read press releases in your local media to get an idea as to what they like to publish, then model your release after those they get ink.
80. Advertise at niche-relevant events.
This includes trade-shows, expos, conferences, seminar and workshops. Most of these events let you purchase booth space for the duration of the event.
TIP: Cut costs by sharing booth expenses with someone in your niche who’s selling related (but not directly competing) products or services.
81. Land speaking gigs.
Talk to local groups and organizations in your area and offer free talks. At the end of the talk you can pass out flyers with your web link and a call to action to visit your site, join your list or even buy your products.
For example, if you’re catering to gardeners, then send a speaking proposal to a Master Gardeners meeting in your area.
82. Network at offline meet-ups.
You can find both prospective joint venture partners and prospective customers at offline meetings. Check www.meetup.com to uncover niche-relevant meet-ups in your area, or start your own group.
83. Purchase offline print advertising.
You can take out display ads in newspapers or niche-relevant magazines.
TIP: Save money by inquiring about remnant advertising. This is last-minute advertising that editors offer to you at a discount because they have unused ad space.
84. Place a radio ad.
Do you have something of interest to local listeners? Then consider placing a radio ad. This works best if you place the ad during a relevant program, such as a talk show related to your niche.
85. Land media interviews.
Your local TV news and radio talk shows are always looking for experts and others to interview. You can let them know by sending out a proposal to the program’s producer, along with a clip of interviews you’ve given in the past.
Don’t have an interview? Then create a short but informative “talk” on video, upload it to YouTube.com, and send the link to the program producer.
86. Carry business cards.
Here is another old-school method that still works, especially if your card includes a call to action along with your web link. Hand business cards out at trade shows, expos, conferences and similar niche-relevant events.
87. Send flyers in shipments.
If you send out physical shipments (either off your direct web sales or even through eBay), then you have a great opportunity to bring back repeat traffic. Just include a flyer with a good reason to visit your site, such as a limited-time offer.
Pro Tip: Team up with others in your niche who send physical shipments and swap flyers. They’ll send your flyer in their shipments, and vice versa. It’s a great way to bring warm leads to your site!
88. Do postcard marketing.
If you collect you prospects’ or customers’ postal addresses, then you can send out postcards to them with special offers. You may also wish to seek out one or more joint venture partners in your niche and send out a mailing together, which cuts costs for you.
TIP: You can learn more about purchasing niche-relevant mailing addresses at http://next.srds.com/media-data/direct-marketing.
89. Offer free workshops.
The idea here is to advertise a free talk or workshop, and then collect your registrant’s information as leads. For example, if you sell dog-training information, then offer a free workshop on dog training. You can rent a conference room at a local hotel, or you might be able to get free space at a local shop. (For this example, contact pet supplies stores.)
Once you get the traffic coming in, then you’ll want to ramp up your efforts. Here’s how to make the most of your traffic strategy…
90. Create a traffic plan.
If you don’t have a plan, then your business is like a ship without a rudder. So be sure to create a traffic plan that outlines exactly what you’ll do to get traffic and when you’ll take each step. Be sure to diversify your traffic strategy so that you’ll quickly recover even if one source of traffic dries up.
91. Work your traffic plan every day.
The key to good long-term results is to take consistent steps every day. Even if you just have a few minutes, do at least one thing daily to grow your traffic.
Examples include:
- Tweeting a promo
- Posting to your Facebook
- Writing a blog
- Finding new guest blogging
- Recruiting new affiliates.
And so on. These small, consistent steps add up to big results.
92. Test and track your campaigns.
The only way to know what’s really working is to carefully test all your campaigns. This includes your keywords, advertisements, the ad venues, when you publish ads, and your landing pages.
TIP: Need a testing tool? Sign up for Google Analytics, or you can use the open-source alternative at Piwik.org.
93. Learn how to write good sales copy.
Good sales copy in your advertisements brings traffic to your site, and good copy on your site turns more of your traffic into subscribers and customers. If you don’t know much about writing good copy, then set time aside every week to learn more. You can pick up books from the masters such as David Ogilvy, Victor Schwab, John Caples and Dan Kennedy.
94. Capture traffic on a mailing list.
There’s no sense in putting in all the hard work of getting traffic if you’re not capturing as much as you can on a mailing list. So get a good email service provider (such as Aweber.com or GetResponse.com), create a desirable lead magnet that your prospects will love, and set up a lead page that persuades visitors to exchange their email address for your freebie.
95. Be smart about contests.
You can get more traffic if you use viral campaign tools like Rafflecopter.com. Just be sure to offer niche-relevant prizes rather than cash prizes, otherwise you’ll end up with tons of non-targeted freebie seekers.
96. Establish yourself as an expert.
When you establish yourself as an expert or authority in the niche, you’ll get more followers, more referrals, and people will listen to everything you say. Here are three quick tips for establishing yourself as an authority:
- Publish your own blog and showcase your expertise on it.
- Showcase your expertise elsewhere. You can do guest blogging, answer questions on Quora, and set up a YouTube channel for video-casts.
- Publish a hard-copy book on Amazon. Even if you self-publish it using CreateSpace.com, people tend to think of authors as experts.
97. Build relationships.
People like to do business with those they know, like and trust. That’s why it’s so important for you to build lists and nurture relationships with your prospects, customers, affiliates and joint venture partners.
Pro Tip: Talk to people at offline events whenever possible. A ten-minute offline conversation in the hallway during a conference can build a relationship faster than emails or social media.
98. Give people a reason to come back.
Not everyone will join your mailing list, which is why you need to give all your visitors a reason to come back to your site. One good way to do this is to regularly post good content on your blog. Posting weekly is good, but posting more often is even better.
Pro Tip: Another way to make your site sticky is to offer a web-based tool or resource. For example, if you cater to those who want to lose weight, then offer a calorie-counting tool on your site.
99. Use multimedia to reach prospects.
Different people prefer different ways of receiving information. That’s why you should offer a variety of content, including text, infographics, videos and even audios. You can do this for blog posts as well as sales materials.
100. Start a referral program.
Let your existing customers bring new customers to you with a referral program. Your program can offer the existing customer and the referral a bonus product or discount once the referral purchased a product.
101. Find new ways to reach your market.
As part of your weekly to-do list, make a point of looking for new ways to reach your market. New advertising opportunities are cropping up every day, so keep yourself informed about your niche so you can find them. For example, join niche- relevant Facebook groups, forums, blogs and mailing lists so you hear about new developments as they occur.
Now let’s wrap things up…
So there you have it – 101 tips for social media marketing, search engine optimization, content marketing, viral marketing and more.