Top Free SEO Tools

SEO Considerations

Bing Webmaster Tools –

Bing Webmaster Tools is a free web service offered by Microsoft’s Bing search engine. It provides webmasters with various tools and features to help improve their website’s visibility and performance on Bing’s search engine results pages (SERPs).

With Bing Webmaster Tools, webmasters can submit their website’s sitemap and URLs for crawling and indexing by Bing’s search engine.

They can also view reports and statistics about their website’s traffic, search queries, and backlinks.

In addition, Bing Webmaster Tools provides various diagnostic and debugging tools to help webmasters identify and resolve potential issues with their website’s SEO (search engine optimization).

These tools include crawl control, keyword research, and site scan.

Bing Webmaster Tools is a valuable tool for webmasters looking to improve their website’s visibility and performance on Bing’s search engine.

Data Studio –

Data Studio is a free web-based data visualization and reporting tool developed by Google.

It allows users to connect, analyze, and visualize data from multiple sources, such as Google Analytics, Google Ads, and Google Sheets, as well as other third-party data sources.

With Data Studio, users can create interactive reports and dashboards that can be customized with various charts, tables, and graphs.

These reports can be shared with others, either publicly or privately, and can be embedded on websites or shared as links.

Data Studio also offers features such as data blending, filtering, and aggregation, as well as collaboration tools that allow multiple users to work on the same report simultaneously.

Data Studio is a powerful and user-friendly tool for creating visually appealing reports and dashboards from multiple data sources, making it easier to analyze and communicate data insights.

Enhanced Google Analytics Annotations – Enhanced Google Analytics annotations – Context (

Google Analytics Annotations Extension is a browser extension that enhances the Google Analytics platform by allowing users to create and manage annotations directly from the Google Analytics interface.

Annotations are notes or comments that can be added to specific dates on the Google Analytics timeline, helping users keep track of significant events, changes, or insights related to their website traffic and performance.

The Google Analytics Annotations Extension adds a small button to the Google Analytics interface, enabling users to quickly create and edit annotations without having to leave the platform.

Users can also view and manage existing annotations, as well as filter their Google Analytics reports based on specific annotation types.

The Google Analytics Annotations Extension is a useful tool for enhancing the functionality of Google Analytics and helping users keep track of important events and insights related to their website’s performance.

Google Analytics –

Google Analytics is a web analytics service offered by Google that allows website owners and digital marketers to track and analyze website traffic and user behavior.

It provides valuable insights into how users interact with a website, including data such as the number of visitors, their demographics, the pages they visit, and the actions they take on the website.

Google Analytics works by placing a small tracking code on each page of a website, which collects data about user activity and sends it to the Google Analytics servers.

Users can then access this data through the Google Analytics interface, where they can generate reports, create custom dashboards, and set up goals and events to track specific user actions.

Google Analytics also integrates with other Google services, such as Google Ads and Google Search Console, allowing users to track the performance of their advertising campaigns and monitor their website’s search engine rankings.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for website owners and marketers to gain insights into their website’s performance and make data-driven decisions to improve user experience and achieve business objectives.

Google Search Console –

Google Search Console is a free web service offered by Google that helps website owners and webmasters monitor and maintain their website’s presence in Google search results.

It provides valuable insights into how Google crawls and indexes a website, including data such as search queries, impressions, click-through rates, and pages indexed.

With Google Search Console, users can submit their website’s sitemap and individual URLs for crawling and indexing by Google’s search engine.

They can also view reports and statistics about their website’s performance in Google search results, including information on top search queries, pages with the most clicks, and errors that may affect their website’s visibility in search results.

Google Search Console also offers various diagnostic and optimization tools to help website owners and webmasters identify and resolve issues that may affect their website’s search engine optimization (SEO).

These tools include mobile usability testing, security issues alerts, and structured data validation.

Google Search Console is a valuable tool for website owners and webmasters looking to improve their website’s visibility and performance in Google search results.

It provides important data and insights into how Google crawls and indexes a website, helping users optimize their website’s SEO and achieve their business objectives.

Keyword Hero –

Keyword Hero is a tool that helps website owners and marketers understand the search queries that drive traffic to their website.

It uses machine learning algorithms to remove the “not provided” data in Google Analytics and provides accurate keyword data for individual sessions.

In Google Analytics, the “not provided” keyword data refers to the searches made by users who are logged in to their Google account while using Google search.

This means that their search queries are not visible to website owners and marketers, making it difficult to understand how users are finding and interacting with their website.

Keyword Hero solves this problem by analyzing user behavior on a website and mapping it back to the corresponding keyword search queries.

This provides website owners and marketers with accurate keyword data, allowing them to better understand their audience and optimize their website’s content and SEO strategy.

Keyword Hero is a powerful tool for gaining insights into the search queries that drive traffic to a website, helping website owners and marketers make data-driven decisions to improve their website’s performance and achieve their business objectives.

MozCast –

MozCast is a tool developed by Moz that tracks and reports on changes in Google’s search algorithm.

It uses a “weather report” metaphor to display the “temperature” of the Google algorithm, with higher temperatures indicating more significant changes in the search results.

MozCast provides an easy-to-understand visualization of the fluctuations in Google’s algorithm, helping SEO professionals and website owners to stay up-to-date with changes that may affect their search rankings.

Link Redirect Trace –

Link redirect trace is a tool used to track and analyze the redirection path of a particular URL.

It allows users to see the full sequence of URLs that are involved in the redirection process, including any intermediate URLs that may be used to track clicks or provide additional information.

This tool can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as identifying broken links or tracking the effectiveness of marketing campaigns that use redirection.

By understanding the complete redirection path, users can gain insight into the behavior of their website visitors and improve the overall user experience.

Redirect Path –

Redirect Path is a browser extension that helps to identify and analyze HTTP header responses when navigating to a website.

When a user clicks on a link, Redirect Path examines the responses from the server and displays any redirect paths that the browser is following.

This tool can help to identify issues such as redirects that are unnecessary, broken links, and security issues such as redirect chains that can be exploited by hackers.

Redirect Path is particularly useful for SEO professionals and website owners who need to ensure that their websites are properly redirecting users to the intended pages.

It is available as a free extension for popular browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera.

Screaming Frog –

Screaming Frog is a desktop-based SEO spider tool that crawls websites’ URLs and collects data about each page’s SEO performance.

It analyzes various SEO elements such as metadata, broken links, redirect chains, duplicate content, and page speed to identify areas for improvement.

It is particularly useful for larger websites that have many pages and can be time-consuming to manually analyze.

Screaming Frog provides a detailed report of the crawl results that can be exported for further analysis.

The tool has both free and paid versions, with the free version having some limitations such as a crawl limit of 500 URLs per website.

Screaming Frog is widely used by SEO professionals and website owners to optimize website performance and improve search engine rankings.

Seolyzer –

Seolyzer is an SEO auditing tool that analyzes websites and provides detailed reports on their SEO performance.

It checks for various factors that can affect a website’s search engine rankings, such as metadata, content quality, backlinks, broken links, and mobile-friendliness.

Seolyzer also provides recommendations for improvement and assigns a score to the website’s SEO performance.

The tool is user-friendly and can be used by both beginners and advanced SEO professionals.

It offers both free and paid plans, with the paid plans offering additional features such as unlimited website analysis and advanced reporting.

Seolyzer is an effective tool for optimizing website performance and improving search engine rankings.

Answer the Public –

Answer the Public is a keyword research tool that generates visual representations of search queries related to a particular topic.

It uses autocomplete data from Google and Bing to provide a list of questions, prepositions, and comparisons related to the search term.

The results are presented in a user-friendly visual format that is easy to understand and can be used to identify content ideas and potential gaps in content.

Answer the Public can be used for a variety of purposes, such as improving website content, identifying long-tail keywords, and optimizing content for voice search.

It offers both a free and paid version, with the paid version offering additional features such as more search results and data exports.

Answer the Public is a powerful tool for content creators and SEO professionals looking to improve their keyword research and content marketing efforts.

Keyword Explorer –

Keyword Explorer is a keyword research tool developed by Moz that helps users to identify and analyze keywords related to a particular topic or industry.

It provides insights into the search volume, difficulty, and opportunity of different keywords, making it easier to target the most relevant and valuable keywords for SEO and content marketing.

Keyword Explorer also offers a range of features such as keyword suggestions, SERP analysis, and rank tracking, allowing users to track their progress and optimize their strategies accordingly.

The tool is available as part of Moz’s suite of SEO tools and offers both free and paid versions, with the paid versions offering additional features such as more keyword suggestions and advanced metrics.

Keyword Explorer is a valuable tool for SEO professionals and content marketers looking to improve their keyword research and strategy.