Build a List
In the first step, it is crucial create a list of individuals who genuinely care about your message. Neglecting this step will make things much more challenging.
While working on this step, it is advisable to proceed to step 2.
Having a list of people who genuinely care about what you to say makes it significantly easier to sell something.
Instead of searching for shortcuts, it is recommended to take the initiative and build an email list.
Put Together a Product
In step 2, the focus is on developing a product that fulfills two specific objectives. These objectives are of utmost importance, and everything else is secondary.
Objective 1 – Develop a product that effectively addresses a problem. There are multiple approaches to achieve this, and it is essential to explore the right ones.
Objective 2 – Ensure that the product possesses a unique selling proposition (USP). Ignoring this aspect will result in failure in a market saturated with unoriginal and irrelevant content.
Personally, I created ten audio trainings covering various aspects of online business and internet marketing.
Additionally, I included transcripts and other valuable elements.
Irresistible Offer
Step 3: Enhance your product with an irresistible offer. A remarkable offer consists of several components that contribute to its greatness.
Although the specific number may vary, I will outline approximately 10 elements to help you grasp the concept of a compelling offer.
Remember, the offer is more than just the product itself.
A compelling offer includes:
1. The exceptional product – As discussed earlier.
2. The unique selling proposition (USP) – What sets your product apart from similar ones?
3. The additional bonuses – What extra value do you provide?
4. The targeted market – Who are the people that would benefit from this product?
5. The rationale – Why are you presenting this offer at this particular moment?
6. The discounted price – The special sale price.
7. The guarantee – Do you offer any assurance? If so, what are the terms?
8. The sense of urgency – How long will this offer be available?
9. The payment options – What choices do customers have for purchasing? Is it a one-time payment, a 3-payment installment, or a buy-now-pay-later option?
By incorporating these elements into your offer, you can create a well-rounded package that entices your target audience.
Marketing rules are often broken, and while these guidelines serve as a reference, they are not set in stone.
The key point is that an offer should go beyond just the product itself.
In my case, I also utilized scarcity as part of my unique selling proposition (USP).
Rather than offering just one audio training with a PLR license, I bundled together 10 unique audio trainings that had never been released before.
This exclusivity was a crucial element of my USP. Let’s take a closer look at my USP stack:
– The bundle consisted of 10 distinct audio trainings that had never been available before.
– Each training came with a great PLR license.
– The ultimate aspect of scarcity was emphasized. These 10 audio trainings were only available for purchase during a four-day period and would never be sold again.
Strategic Launch
Step 4) If possible, execute a strategic launch.
I decided to launch this sale on Black Friday through Cyber Monday last year, as this period is particularly suitable for paid content publishing.
During this time, people are more receptive to the idea of finding great deals and are more likely to believe and expect such offers.
Years of department store marketing have conditioned them to be open to the concept.
Price to Win
Step 5) Price your product to win, not to lose.
If you consistently charge low prices for your work, you can expect to be compensated accordingly.
This can be a hard lesson to learn, as it was for me, but it’s an important one for anyone looking to achieve significant financial success online.
One effective way to start charging higher prices for your work is by investing in higher-priced products within your niche.
Surprisingly, it can be challenging to effectively market and sell a product at a higher price if you haven’t experienced purchasing something similar within your niche at that price point.
The reason behind this is that you need to genuinely believe in what you are promoting within your copy.
It should convey a sense of social nuance, humanity, and authenticity.
If you would never personally spend $100 on a book or $1,000 on coaching, it will be challenging for you to convincingly sell a book for $100 or coaching for $1,000.
You need to genuinely believe that what you are offering is worth the price you are charging.
This is not merely an academic exercise; you must genuinely believe it.
In the case of my offer, I charged $199 for it. Some may consider this price cheap, while others may see it as expensive for a Black Friday special.
However, my secret weapon is that I don’t concern myself with what others think.
I set the price at $199 because I felt comfortable with that amount, considering the effort I put into creating the offer and the fact that it would never be available for sale again.
In another three years, I may even charge $1,000 for a similar offer. The crucial point I’m trying to make about pricing is that there is no shortcut to belief.
Often, the quickest way to develop a belief in the worth of your product is by purchasing something similar from someone else who charges the prices you aspire to charge.
Go through the experience, understand it, comprehend why it costs what it does, and recognize where you currently stand.
Determine what you have to offer the market that would be valued at a similar amount.
In order to successfully sell a product, it is important to follow up with intention.
Treat it as if you are building a case from different angles, focusing on the problem that the product solves.
Share stories about the problem from various perspectives through multiple email messages.
It is crucial to be specific about the problem and vague about the solution.
The solution is what you are selling, so make sure your audience understands that you fully comprehend the issue at hand.
During a recent four-day sale, I sent out a total of eight emails, averaging two emails per day throughout the campaign.
Each email approached the marketing from a different angle. If I had sent out twelve emails, I might have generated a bit more revenue.
When it comes to email marketing, if done correctly, you can confidently send out multiple emails in a day without any concerns.
Do not listen to those who advise against mailing more than once a week or suggest making your emails resemble blog posts.
These trends are often marketed by newsletter experts, but that’s a whole other story.
Once the sale is over, it’s important to recognize that there will always be a few individuals who claim they were out of town or couldn’t complete the purchase due to technical issues.
Remember, this is not just about one launch; it’s about sending a message. Once it’s over, it’s over.
Only two types of people wait until the last minute to make a purchase:
1. Flakes: These individuals are not ready to buy your product until they sort out their own issues.
2. Habitual Line-Crossers: They are testing your boundaries. They want to see if you truly adhere to the cut-off time you set or if you’ll sell to them regardless. If you give in to their demands, half of them won’t follow through anyway – they’re just testing you. The other half will lose respect for you and likely won’t purchase your future offers.
The answer is always a firm no. You have to train your followers to understand that you do not play games with scarcity. Once it’s over, it’s no longer available.
If they want it, they better act quickly. Taking this stance will boost sales for future launches.
Always be Learning
Continually educate yourself and take action persistently, even if it’s not perfect. Success comes from a combination of knowledge and experience.
You can’t win if you’re not actively participating, and you can’t succeed if you’re not learning.
There are numerous ways to earn a living online nowadays, but all of them require relentless imperfect action.
Most importantly, they demand an insatiable thirst for knowledge.