Now You Can Drive Insane Traffic To Your Web Site Using The Magic of Article Submission…
…and it all happens practically on autopilot!
I was totally amazed when…
… I finally stopped to add up all of the money I had been spending on advertising my web site. Fifty dollars here, a hundred there; pretty soon it had become a substantial amount of money and I wasn’t seeing much in return. On top of all that, I was pouring more than I care to even think about into Google and Yahoo ads.. That’s why I created Article Submitter!
You see, like many of you I had read all of the Internet marketing “how to” books, and I had become convinced that it took money to make money. Those books told me that I had to buy ads in the major search engines, rent e-mail lists and pay to insert ads into e-zines. So I clicked on the links to the programs that they recommended and I spent and I spent and I spent.
I did EVERYTHING that the “Gurus” told me to do and I ended up spending more than I was making. I felt deceived!
Does it frustrate you that you have been lied to, ripped off, and literally been taken advantage of by blood sucking MLM, and internet marketing program owners?
The reason you, and many others, may not have found financial independence yet, is because these owners are only interested in getting rich quick, leaving you poor fast!
Dear Internet Business Owner,
My name is Vitali Parx and until very recently I was guilty of blindly following the advice of so-called professionals who seemed to know how to make the big money that I was missing out on.
I read all of their books and I even spent good money attending some of their seminars. I didn’t see it at first, but after I began to realize that I was bleeding so much red ink thanks to bad advertising advice that didn’t work as promised, I saw what was really happening…
… many of these so-called “Gurus” actually were making all of the money that they claimed, but they weren’t making it selling products.
They were getting rich by convincing everyday people like you and me to click on their affiliate links and waste our money buying advertising that we really didn’t need.
They were getting fat off of our money and, honestly, there weren’t too many who really cared if what they recommended worked or not. They only cared about their mega affiliate income.
So the day came that I decided I was going to stop making other people rich and start investing in myself. I went to Google and typed in the phrase “free Internet marketing advice” and I hit the jackpot!
I found hundreds of articles about Internet marketing tips, trick and tactics and it didn’t cost me a penny to buy any one of them. They were FREE. And that’s what got me thinking..
“Why in the world would so many people spend so much time writing free articles and getting them distributed all over the Internet?”
I began to examine the articles more closely as I read them and a few interesting patterns emerged. Of course, the first pattern I noticed was that I had found all of these articles by simply searching for a specific key phrase in Google.
So I went back to Google and tried other key phrases.
I didn’t just concentrate on marketing phrases either. I love to enjoy and work on my backyard pond, so I searched on the phrase “water gardens” and hundreds of articles came up. I then searched on the phrase “restoring classic cars” and thousands more articles came up.
No matter what phrase I searched for in Google I found hundreds or even thousands of FREE articles written by people who actually knew what they were talking about!
But I still didn’t have the answer I was looking for…
What was in it for the authors of these articles? Why were they spending their time writing free articles for you and me to read and enjoy?
As I looked deeper, I realized that many of these articles were posted on article repository web sites. These were huge article directories that held thousands of articles on nearly any topic you could imagine.
I noticed that each of the articles in these repositories pulled up Google AdWords when your read them. “Ah ha!”, I thought. “The article site owners are making their money from the Google ads, but that’s not helping the actual authors.”
I kept digging…
It wasn’t until I reached the part of the article known as the “Author’s Resource Box” that the “Aha Ha” light really went on and it hit me smack between the eyes!
These authors were using their articles to establish themselves as experts in their particular subject matter!
Because the articles weren’t actually paid ads, people were reading them from top to bottom and then going to the Author’s Resource Box to click on the link to the Author’s web site.
Once they reached the Author’s web site they invariably found something for sale!
Since the person reading the article was already convinced of the Author’s expertise in the particular subject, the chances were better that a sale would take place!
But making sales this way was just one of the benefits of distributing free articles. There were others as well!
The more article directories that a particular article was posted to, the more “back links” there were to the Author’s main web site. Since Google sees back links as an indication of an “important” site, the Author’s Google ranking was benefiting.
The more people who read the Author’s article and clicked back the the main web site, the more traffic the site received. Alexa ranks sites based upon traffic, so the Author benefited that way as well.
And finally, many of the authors had Google AdWords displayed on their main site, so they were earning revenue whenever a visitor from one of the article sites came and clicked.
I had accidentally stumbled on the mother of all sales and traffic-generating “secrets” of the Internet and it didn’t cost me a penny!
Even better, I now knew how to drive all of the free traffic to my site that I could ever want, but there was still one problem…
I didn’t have near the time available that it was going to take to get my own articles posted to enough article repositories to make a real difference in my sales and traffic counts, but when I looked at the automated article posting solutions out there, I was under whelmed.
The free article submitters were a joke. They were little more than thinly-disguised SPAM machines that would eventually get you banned from the best article sites.
The moderately priced ones seemed OK, but they lacked the professional features that I was looking for.
The top-notch ones had everything that I was looking for but they were way too expensive for my blood. Some of them even wanted to charge me $35 or MORE just to submit ONE ARTICLE!
So I built my own…
And that’s what brings us to what I am about to show you.
Article Submitter is the Fastest and Easiest way to get your articles posted on hundreds of article directories without spending hours and hours on the manual labor of doing so!
And you can have your own copy of my incredible Article Submitter right now for just a one time investment of $137.00
- Use Article Submitter and your articles to establish yourself as an expert in your particular area.
- Use Article Submitter and your articles to make more sales.
- Use Article Submitter and your articles to generate more traffic.
- Use Article Submitter and your articles to increase your Google Page Rank.
- Use Article Submitter and your articles to boost your Alexa rating.
If You have always wanted to be able to quit your day job and break into the Internet Marketing world “Article Submitter” is a great way to do it! Grab this incredible software now!
Just look at everything that comes with your copy of Article Submitter:
Feature one:
Article Submitter has 138 Auto Fill article directories for you to start posting your articles to! It also has an additional 25 Manual fill articles directory sites as well.
Feature two:
You will have the ability to edit the included Article Directory submissions sites!
What if one of them closes down… you just delete it from the list of directories in the software.
What if another Article Directory site starts up that you want to submit to? You just use the Add Directory button and add as many additional sites to the software as you can find!
We have 163 Directory sites already loaded in but you are welcome to load in as many more as you wish.
There are some brand new submission programs on the market proclaiming themselves to be the best, but they are just a “pale copy knock off” of Article Submitter. They lack security and accuracy of submission, and contain only a fraction of the features.
Some of these other software will have you submitting articles where they are not wanted and many of them even post a link back to their software right in your articles that you submit.
No where in any articles you submit will you ever see any mention of us or our software, not to mention the Article Directory owners will not have any idea you used a submission tool, your articles will look totally hand submitted.
Feature three
Article submitter does not just allow you to load in 500 articles and hit a button a forget it. Any software that promises this is doing nothing more then spamming your articles all over the Net.
Article Submitter software stores all of your personal information, resource box, and articles. It then will proceed one at a time to go to each of the articles sites for you, log you in and auto fill all of your content including your name, your article, your author resource box, even an article summery on any sites that ask for it!
You will then need to manually select a category- this is the only real way to make sure your article ends up in the right place when we are talking about 163 article sites.
You then click the submit button and bam… you have just submitted another article and it appears totally manual and natural to the article directory owner which is a must if you want your article to actually get published!
As you can see, my Article Submitter is EVERYTHING you need to start driving insane traffic to your web site using the magic of free articles.
And the best part is: You can get Article Submitter right now for JUST $137.00
Article Submitter is EVERYTHING we say it is. Article Submitter is EVERYTHING you HOPE it is. In fact…
We’re so sure that you will love Article Submitter that we’re offering an Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee.
Our Unconditional 100% Money-Back Guarantee!
You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose – you can do this!
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply let us know within 30 days and we’ll refund your money, in full, with absolutely no questions asked! You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose – and a ton of to gain!
There is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on your part. The burden to deliver is entirely on me. If you don’t produce the kind of results and traffic that I have told you about above – then I’m the loser, not you.
Since I know it’s 100% to your benefit to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
If you respond immediately, you’ll also receive the following:
Bonus #1:
Reply Email Automator –
Full MASTER Reprint Rights Value $197.00
We have only sold MASTER RIGHTS to REA to a handful of people before so you will be one of the first to have master rights to this great product. This is a $197 value
Bonus #2:
SurveyEverything.com Membership –
Three Months Free Value $59.00
If you sell anything on the internet, the best way to find out what else your customers want is to let them tell you! This incredible survey membership site does just that in a big way! You won’t believe the power of this incredible service until you try it! I have worked out a special deal where you can try it for 3 months FREE!
Together these 2 free bonuses are worth more than double your investment in “Article Submitter”– but they’re all yours absolutely free when you order by midnight today!
Look at it this way — $137.00 is really a painless drop in the bucket to catapult your web business to the top of the search engines, That’s why…
You Really Can’t Afford Not To Invest In “Article Submitter”
It’s easy to get started right away. Just click the order link below.
Start tapping into the amazing sales and traffic-pulling power of posting free articles without breaking a sweat.
Order Article Submitter TODAY for just $137.00
Click here to order right now for only $137.00 (even if it’s 3:00 am in the morning).
Your Name Here
P.S. Remember. Posting free articles to the major article repository sites is the fastest and easiest FREE way to make more sales, increase your Google ranking, and push your Alexa rating through the roof!
And thanks to Article Submitter, you can grab all of these benefits without breaking a sweat! You can quickly and easily post your free articles to hundreds of the Internet’s best article sites right from within your copy of Article Submitter.
Download your copy of Article Submitter right now for just $137.00, and you’ll be on your way to making more money in minutes.