Building An Effective Back-link System
Have you ever visited sites like HotorNot.com where you were given the opportunity to “rate” people based on their photos?
Each time you voted, the image would be given “weight” within the system and would therefore appear more frequently whenever new visitors browsed through the image gallery.
Back-links work in a similar way, with each back-link directing people to your website being equivalent to a “vote”.
The more back-links you have, the easier it is to secure your position within the search engines and influence search results so that your website is considered relevant and appears more frequently.
It’s no wonder that so many people have turned their attention to building an expansive, solid system consisting of hundreds of permanent back-links.
Organic FREE search engine traffic consists of some of the most targeted, relevant visitors you’d ever get, and if you are able to secure your position within the top search results for highly targeted keywords, you could eliminate any need to pay a fortune in pay per click marketing.
Plus, the traffic you do receive will be exceptionally targeted, and far more interested in the products or services you are offering.
So, since back-links play such an important role in your ability to generate traffic and effectively launch your website so that you are able to maximize exposure and build brand awareness, your question should be: “How the heck do I begin to build back-links?”
Before I answer that, (and I will show you exactly how to set up an incredibly effective back-link system), there is something you should keep in mind when you begin to develop back-links for your website.
Search engines determine how relevant (and important) your website is not just by the NUMBER of back-links pointing to your website but by WHO is linking to you.
This means that not only do you want to focus on building a high number of back-links but that you also want to focus on quality back-links that are housed on authority sites.
QUALITY and QUANTITY are equally important when building your backlink system, and don’t kid yourself, if the search engines are forced to choose between the two (and if you have an equal number of back-links as a competitor in your niche), the “vote” will go for the site with the highest number of quality back-links.
This means that you want to do your best to develop back-links on established websites in your niche.
These are sites that have been around for quite some time, have developed a following, established a community and of course, receive a significant amount of traffic each day.
While you can (and should) incorporate a variety of back-links into your system, including links from authority sites that may not be directly focused on the same topic or theme as your website, always keep in mind that incoming links from quality websites will always play a greater role in maximizing your search engine ranking and overall exposure.
There are many different ways to begin your link building campaign and while many of the traditional strategies can be time consuming, once you have developed a solid back-link structure and begin to increase your search engine positioning, you will be able to easily maintain it.
Let’s take a look at the most effective methods of building back-links.
Top Methods Of Building Back-links
Building back-links isn’t difficult, but it can be time consuming and at times, quite tedious.
Still, it’s an essential component in boosting your search engine ranking while being able to generate targeted, high quality traffic to your website at absolutely no cost.
For the most part, you can easily outsource the development of your backlinks by handing a copy of this report to your freelancer, and specifying exactly what you require (see the final section of this report for tips on successfully outsourcing your entire back-link campaign).
Note: I suggest that you take a hands-on approach to building your backlinks and begin by developing your back-link system yourself, so that if you do decide to later outsource it, you will fully understand the process and all that’s involved, putting you in the position to clearly demonstrate to your freelancer exactly what you expect of them.
Here are the most effective methods of building a massive back-link campaign for your website:
Search engines love blogs, and back-links posted on authority blog spaces will give you instant search engine “juice”, with very little work involved.
When it comes to generating back-links with blogs, you need to:
1) Find blogs that provide a ‘do follow’ (the only kind of blogs where a link back to your site will count as a “vote”.)
2) You explore and read the blog and then you make an insightful, useful or relevant comment to the post that is likely to be approved by the blog’s administrator.
3) Include your back-link with relevant anchor text on the blog.
4) Rinse & Repeat
You can include your back-link within the website URL attached to your post as well as within your actual comment box (if permitted).
When creating your back-link, make sure that you use anchor text to describe the website where you are directing people to.
To do this, you need to include a bit of HTML code to create your backlink with anchor text:
<a href=http://yoururlhere.com>your keywords here</a>
You want to make sure that you include relevant keywords within your actual anchor text so that you can rank for specific keywords.
One thing to keep in mind as well is that you should never use keywords that are already a part of your website title or domain name but instead, focus on including keywords that you hope to rank for but are not already optimized or included on your own site.
For example, if I were leaving a comment in order to generate a backlink to the website www.Golf-Tips-For-Newbies.com the keywords included within my actual back-link would instead include alternative keywords that are relevant to my target audience, such as Golf Beginner Strategies “How To Improve Your Golf Swing”, which would direct people from the blog that I posted on to a specific post on my own website.
When searching for blogs to post your comments on (and build your back-link campaign), you should always focus on relevant blogs that carry the same or similar theme as your own website.
Since you will not only generate traffic from the increased exposure within the search engines, you will also attract attention from blog visitors who read your post, you want to make sure that you spend your time posting on blogs that are likely to draw in targeted visitors.
1) Download the free Firefox plugin available from SEO Quake and use it to locate blogs that allow back-links (dofollow):
2) Create a keyword swipe file of relevant keywords and phrases relating to your niche market that you can use within your blog comments.
3) Create individual pages on your website that feature high quality content and articles that are likely to attract attention from visitors to the blogs that you post your comments on.
If you take the time to create articles that offer information on specific topics and then post a comment (and leave a link) on related blogs, you will be able to begin generating targeted traffic faster and easier than if you post on unrelated blogs OR direct people to a “money” page (salespage).
4) Focus on posting your comments on blogs that contain a higher page rank than your own site. A blog with a page rank of 3-5 will offer a higher value back-link than a low (unestablished) blog. You can determine the blog’s page rank by using the SEO Quake plugin.
5) Use the free Comment Hut software to pinpoint blogs based on keyword and customized search terms to quickly locate relevant blogs in your niche market (all of which offer do follow back-links) http://www.CommentHut.com
6) The Top Commentators plugin offers frequent blog visitors with the opportunity to be showcased on every page of the blog, as a way of thanking you for your contributions. Consider including as many blogs that feature this plugin as possible and if you end up being in the top commentators listing, your website will be featured site-wide, generating a back-link from each and every page on the blog!
The easiest way to locate blogs that utilize the Top Commentator’s plugin is by downloading a free trial copy of the Comment Hut software. (see above)
Directory submissions are probably the most popular method of generating back-links in a short amount of time, however there is one thing to keep in mind when using directories to create your back-link campaign.
You want the search engines to see a natural pattern of increased backlinks to your website rather than an instant flood of irrelevant links pointing to your website.
This is really important if you want to avoid being penalized by search engines like www.Google.com and risk losing your current position in the search results.
The best approach to take when building back-links with directory submissions is to gradually increase the number of back-links that are featured within each directly.
In addition, you also want to choose relevant categories to place your website listing in, using targeted keywords in both your listing title and description.
Posting your website to directories can be a time consuming, tedious process, so to save time you could consider using a software program that will submit your website into the major directories while allowing you to customize the description, titles, keywords and anchor text used within your listings.
My favorite product on the marketplace right now is Directory Submitter available at http://directorysubmitter.imwishlist.com/
While Directory Submitter will not automate the entire process of submitting your website into the directories, it will reduce the amount of time it takes to create individual submissions.
This is important because with automated software programs that will mass-submit your website into hundreds, if not thousands of directories, you risk having your website flagged for review by the search engines who see an influx of links pointing to your website in a short amount of time.
With directory submitter, you can choose the number of directories that your website will be submitted to as well as customize additional information regarding your website, giving you full control over the way your site is distributed and submitted.
Directory Submitter also provides you with a detailed listing of directories that you can choose to submit to, and will also help you obtain one-way links by filtering through directories that offer a “no linkback” system.
1) Focus on one-way back-links when submitting to directories. It’s important to have more links coming into your site than going out from your site (internal links should ALWAYS be greater than external links)
2) Make sure that your post is related to the thread you are responding to and that the blog owner will not remove your post, believing it’s spam.
3) When submitting your website into online directories ALWAYS choose the category or sub category that is closest to the main directory.
For example, if given the choice of submitting my website that focused on “resumes” into the following directories, here is how I would choose the
best category for my website: Employment >> Jobs >> Resumes >> Interviews >>
I would choose either “Jobs” or “Resumes” so that it receives a higher positioned link within the directory.
The closer the category is to the main (top level) directory, the more exposure you will receive.
4) When submitting your website into online directories, I recommend focusing only on 75-100 directories, rather than mass-submitting your website into hundreds of directories.
You want to build a large number of quality back links however you don’t want to end up setting off any red flags from the major search engines who discover that your brand new website is suddenly receiving thousands of generic back links.
5) If you choose to manually submit your websites into online directories, consider purchasing a copy of www.RoboForm.com to speed up the process. (There is a free version that will work on a trial basis).
6) Make sure that you include a relevant description with each submission, including your primary keywords that are focused on your target market.
7) Avoid keyword stuffing when creating your website’s description.
Directory Resources: http://info.vilesilencer.com/top
Niche Directories: http://web-directories.ws/Niche/
Social Bookmarking communities and networks allow for people to create quality back-links quickly and easily from authority websites that hold a high page rank (and massive traffic!)
Social Bookmarking websites are basically sites that categorize and store bookmark (links which direct viewers to a specific website). These sites attract millions of visitors that looking for information.
What you want to do first is create an organized system to your social bookmarking campaigns.
You do this by creating a “Bookmarks” folder within your Firefox toolbar.
Then, you will create a folder for every day of the week, so that you can easily submit your back-links to the top bookmarking websites regularly, without posting to the same site twice in any given day.
(This is VERY important! An organized system will allow you to get more done in less time while avoiding the risks of being flagged for posting multiple times)
So, your bookmark folders would be organized so that you have 5 individual folders (for Monday through Friday).
You can create your bookmark folders from within your Firefox browser by clicking on “Bookmarks” and then selecting “Organize Bookmarks” >> “Create New Folder”.
To begin, you will add 5-10 bookmark sites into each of your bookmarks and then each day, load up these websites and submit your website as a new bookmark.
You will have to create an account on each bookmarking community site first, which should include your full name, website URL and brief description of your site (using keywords!)
You will also want to make sure that you are signed into each account whenever you add a new bookmark (Firefox will give you the option to remember your login information so that it automatically signs you in)
Each day, when you are ready to submit your bookmarks, you simply click on the BOOKMARK folder in your Firefox browser and choose to “Open All Tabs”.
This will automatically load up all of the daily bookmark sites in your browser windows, so you can quickly submit your site into each.
Once you have your bookmark folders created, you will begin to add in a series of bookmark sites and communities to each folder by clicking on “Add new Bookmark” from your Firefox Bookmark control panel:
Here are the top social bookmarking websites and communities:
1 – http://slashdot.org (PR9)
2 – http://digg.com (PR8)
3 – http://technorati.com (PR8)
4- http://www.furl.net (PR7)
5 – http://www.backflip.com (PR7)
6 – http://www.hugg.com (PR7)
7 – http://www.mixx.com (PR7)
8 – http://ma.gnolia.com (PR7)
9 – http://www.connotea.org (PR7)
10 – http://mystuff.ask.com (PR7)
11 – http://www.reddit.com (PR7)
12 – http://www.dzone.com (PR7)
13 – http://www.folkd.com (PR7)
14 – http://multiply.com (PR7)
15 – http://www.searchles.com (PR6)
16 – http://de.lirio.us (PR6)
17 – http://www.dotnetkicks.com (PR6)
18 – http://www.bloghop.com (PR6)
19 – http://www.plime.com (PR6)
20 – http://www.bibsonomy.org (PR6)
Grab a copy of Bookmarking Demon to automate the process of submitting your website into the leading bookmark communities.
With Bookmarking Demon, You have the ability to register different login name when you create your accounts and register at each of the bookmarking sites and communities quickly! >> http://www.BookMarkingDemon.com <<
Article marketing is an exceptional technique at generating a flood of high quality back links to your website quickly and easily.
All you really need to get started create 10-15 articles that combine your keywords within the titles of each article as well as the actual content.
Each article should be about 300-400 words in length and whenever possible, try to focus on submitting original, high quality material, or at the very least, well written private label content (although not every article directory will allow private label content to be submitted).
You begin by submitting your articles into the major directories, beginning with www.EzineArticles.com and then a day later, submitting the same articles into a number of other directories.
Each article is “tagged” with your back-link by creating an author’s resource box that is attached to your article submissions.
Author resource boxes are often the only place where a back-link is permitted, so you need to ensure that your actual article content is compelling and focused on retaining your readers attention long enough to direct them to your resource box featured at the end of the article.
With article marketing, the greater the number of articles in circulation, the more exposure you will receive from both your article directory profile and author resource boxes.
The power of article marketing comes from the authority and weight that the major directories receive from the search engines.
Since many of the articles featured on sites like EzineArticles.com end up in the top search results within search engines like Google.com if you are able to create an article that incorporates your primary keywords, you will be able to effectively rank for some of the most competitive keywords and phrases in your market!
Furthermore, since article directories allow for other webmasters to reprint your articles (retaining your author’s resource box), you can easily generate additional traffic from every website that features your content.
It’s truly an amazing system for generating prime traffic while building an unlimited number of quality back-links from people who reprint and feature your article content.
Here are the top article directories that you should focus on submitting content to:
NOTE: If possible, use anchor text to display links instead (ex: Visit my website and grab your copy of the Free Back-link Guide)
Feeder sites are an exceptionally fast and easy method of building high quality back-links from some of the highest authority websites online.
Not only are these pages easy to create and maintain, but you can literally develop a massive back-link system in a matter of a few days, just by creating a network of feeder sites and landing pages.
Squidoo http://www.Squidoo.com
With Squidoo being an authority website with search engines like Google, each time you build a lens, you are able to rank for specific keywords used within your page’s title and content itself.
It’s a very effective strategy for generating back links and generating traffic to your website.
Squidoo also offers additional modules that you can integrate into your lens pages, including the option to incorporate an opt-in form into your page, so that you can begin to develop an email list of prospects.
Hub Pages http://www.HubPages.com
You can create a massive back-link campaign from HubPages, however unlike Squidoo they are a lot more particular with the type of content that you are permitted to include when building your single page websites (referred to as ‘hubs’)
With hub pages, you are able to include ‘tags’ which are keywords that describe what your hub is about, however be careful not to use an excessive amount of tags or your hub may be removed without notice.
In order to increase your HubPages author score, you will need to create 5 or more hubs.
You need to increase your author score before you are able to generate back-links to your websites, so make sure that you develop a higher author score (by creating hubs) and that you retain a score higher than 75.
If you don’t, your links will no longer be do follow and you will lose your back-link juice.
Looking For A Step-By-Step Guide To Building An Unstoppable Back-link Campaign?
>> Backlink Formula: https://trafficgenerator.review/BacklinkWarrior/index.html <<
>>Article Submitter: http://trafficgenerator.review/article-submitter/<<